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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Anti-Trump Open Borders Advocate Zuckerberg Buys Hawaii Property – Puts Up Wall

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg lashed out at Donald Trump in April at the annual developer’s conference over his proposed border wall paid by Mexico.

Zuckerberg did not like Trump’s border wall idea.

Then Zuckerberg went back home to his walled off compound.

Now Zuckerberg is putting up another wall.

This time at his Hawaii property.
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  1. 6 ft privacy wall is a little different than a border wall. I doubt he's making his neighbors in hawaii pay for it. We call Democrats whiny but watch how many people complain here

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 29, 2016 at 4:38 PM

      Only Dummies compare apples with oranges. Zuckerberg obviously like to protect his estate with his new wall. But to protect US of A. means nothing to him, he probably makes money of it. Besides, I don't see any foreign criminals trying to run truckloads of drugs onto his property. Well maybe just those who get "invited to the party".
      3:32 hurry up there, Zuck is serving Brainwashing Cool Aid.

  2. 3:32
    Why does he need a wall? What is he trying to keep out? He is blocking the view of people that have lived there. He already bought the other properties next to him.

  3. This isnt a whine nor a complaint, rather a fact. The fact that if each and everyone of these progressive communist couldnt be hypocrits....then they wouldnt have a pot to pee in. If his neighbors kept tresspassing illeagly then theyd be sued and they would be paying for the fence oh ignorant one.

  4. Liberal hypocrite. Typical.

  5. Now thats a little algorish !

  6. Just another Liberal Hypocrite spouting off his mealy mouth !

  7. Not a liberal.

    Get it right.

    He is a Zionist Facist.

    He takes instructions from his bosses (the people who made him rich) and the team of intellectuals who created Facebook as a spying tool for intelligence agencies.

  8. Typical progressive mantra..."Do as I say, not as I do"

    With that being said, I have no problem with him putting up a fence. I believe in private property rights.

  9. democrats don't like fences or walls, all are welcome anytime


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