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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Answer Me This...


  1. Exactly, and Ohblabla just wants to let them all come on in the U.S.

  2. You can apply the same analogy to ANY group of people.


  3. 7:59
    You are correct.....difference is maybe ANY other group will be legal. Big difference if I commit a crime, I have a permanent address where the law can locate me if under suspicion. The crowd shown will spread out like a weed, not to mention breed. What are you saying?

  4. 7:59 - Correct! Now use your own brain and look at the current period in time in the US and tell me which group we need to be monitoring.

    Our government is incapable of protecting its people through the legal process and you want to complicate the process by bring in more people that want to harm us. I know not all do. But we need to be smart. Our government was aware of the Sacramento and Orlando shooter and did nothing to protect us. Nothing!

  5. The sad thing is their kids are even taught to kill so who would know?

  6. 7:59 sounds like a fool, or a frigging Liberal.
    This is the same as which Pit Bull won't eat a child, or which serial killer won't go out and kill again. The point is dangerous animals and human monsters are unpredictable, do we really want to chance it?

  7. You would not let a stranger into your home to use the phone --- you don't know anything about him him and could kill you and your family without warning.
    Your "leaders" want to allow stangers into our midst, even though some of these strangers have already said "we are coming to kill you". They don't know anything more about these people than you would about the stranger needing a phone. It's a risk your leaders are willing to take....with YOUR life.
    Maybe after a "career" of "public service" one loses their common sense?
    They CAN'T be THAT stupid, can they?
    Keep cheering.

  8. Was this a trick question? ALL/ALL

  9. So when you are in a room full of people and everyone is shooting can you tell me which one is the bad guy.
    I doubt that the police could

  10. There is no HUH? in 1:05's comment. 4:19 did you not see the college students being cleared as they left the buildings in CA? Do you know what cleared even means? They had their hands up also as they exited. All the responders know is that there was a lone male shooter and that it could be anybody. Wouldn't be the first time that a criminal walked right out with the crowd.
    The responders want to go home tonight also. Robotic law enforcement is coming, ground drones if you will.


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