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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Al Qaeda Urges Lone Wolf Terrorists to Target White Americans, Cites a Specific Reason

Al Qaeda is reportedly advising potential lone wolf terrorists to avoid attacking U.S. targets “where minorities are generally found” because the federal government will attempt to deflect responsibility away from the terror group and label attacks “hate crimes.”

In the latest edition of its online magazine, Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula instead advises terrorists to target white Americans.

“Most of the individuals present at pulse nightclub were Latino. We recommend – And Allah knows best – that it is better to avoid targeting places and crowds where minorities are generally found in America,” the guide states. “Knowingly that the federal government will be the one taking full responsibility. Therefore we advise targeting areas where the Anglo-Saxon community is generally concentrated.”



  1. the white male is the most endangered species on the planet :(

  2. Al CIA Duh' is racist?

  3. Fake!!! The Orlando shooting wasn't done by a lone wolf... They had someone holding the door shut...

  4. Bring it you goat freaking pigs. I will send to to meet Allah and you can have your forty young boys. You Muslim extremist will get your martyrdom. You need to do your homework the last time we played Cowboys and Indians did not work out so well.

  5. Dave T: you know the era of political correctness has reached an intolerable high when even the terrorists are disgusted with it.

  6. Best place to kill lots of people is at a sporting event, I don't know why they haven't blown themselves up at a game.


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