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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Agree or Disagree?


  1. Yes and according to Democrats if your not positive you don't qualify.

  2. Yes, positively, absolutely, yes.

  3. Totally!! I have to pass apiss test to make the money. They should pass one to spend the money the gov't steals from me.

  4. Hell yes, I have to pass one randomly at anytime so I can pay taxes that trickles down to their free benefits.

  5. They should also have to have tubes tied/vasectomy after having two children. It's ridiculous that we are paying for any more than that.


  6. Not only that, they should have to qualify by meeting certain standards and a time limit. This could go on and on. Probably only a very small portion even need it. This standard should apply to many, many, more benefits and entitlements. It use to be a cloud over someone who drew unemployment funds...shun upon. You went without and found the next job.

  7. ABSOLUTELY ! They should also be required to do some type of community service.

  8. better yet, how about we test the employees of the agencies issuing these benefits their friends who don't qualify.

  9. Hell no, Dude. What else would I do all day if I can't do a little bud to get me through the day? That's bogus, man...
    What was your question again....?

  10. Yes and they should thoroughly be investigated to see if they really meet the requirements for welfare, or are just to lazy to work. Check out their lifestyles, as to there living conditions, vehicles they drive, their medical conditions as to why they are not working, and most important any arrest records.

  11. Absolutely!!
    Community service should also be mandatory

  12. Absolutely....include smoking.....if they can afford to purchase cigarettes and drugs they do not need any assistance!!!! PERIOD

  13. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. YES!!! And should only be able to get food with the benefits. Actually- staples like rice, beans, and Govt cheese would put alot of people back looking for jobs!

  15. The government has a Food Pyramid that describes how much of each food group should be consumed daily. EBT cards should reflect that in purchases - you get x percentage of grains, x percentage of meats and fish, x percentage of dairy, etc. After that, you're on your own. EBT is meant to keep you alive and healthy, not anything else.

  16. How about this one:

    Should welfare be abolished?

    1. Yes get a job like the rest of us thank you

  17. It's all a farce folks. Politicians who introduce this are fooling everyone-trying to make themselves look good by playing to the ill informed public. Benefits are based on the number of people in a household. If the adult in the household tests positive and is denied they are still going to get benefits for the children and others family members in the house which they can still spend anyway they want.

  18. Absolutely - with unannounced retests!

    There should also be surreptitious means testing...:

    New iPhone, 40" TV, 22" rims, tobacco, and alcohol are also dis-qualifiers. Boyfriend / Babby-Daddy picks you up in his Bling-allac should be a dis-qualifier.

  19. Yes this is not something they should be spending money on if on welfare. They should be tested often and checked to make sure they are definitely still eligible for welfare it should not be a forever thing.

  20. Yes. I have to pass a Drug Screen for a job. Welfare recipients should be required to pass a drug screen to sit home, unemployed and making babies. I work hard and pay taxes so that they can do what they do; Get high, eat shrimp and lobster, create havoc on the streets of America and figure other ways to beat/steal from the system that has been feeding them for generations after generations.

  21. Agreed Drug testing is very sensible and should be absolutely required for Welfare benefits. Why this hasn't been implemented is a bigger question rather than public acceptance.

  22. Ask trump not hogan.

  23. Yes, and when they fail pay back our money.


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