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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Subject: Presidential Election Question

Can you explain to me why the national media are not requesting the same information from Hillary and Bernie Sanders that has been requested of Donald Trump:
Listing of potential Supreme Court judge nominees??

Also,why hasn' t the national media pointed out the very real situation in Venezuela as a stark result of socialism?

Their economic conditions, under their current leader, are resulting in starvation and riots to replace him. It seems as though the equal socialistic practice of material goods for all has resulted in no food or material for anyone.

Am I missing something?


  1. It's a great question with an unfortunate but simple answer. The media is inherently liberal (with the exception of fox news) and as such they constantly show bias in favor of liberal candidates whenever possible.

  2. And let's not forget the big companies that support the liberals and their causes. Money talks, and the Clintons and their donor supporters speak volumes. Money and power are all the Clintons care about. Not you and not the future of our country!

  3. It is an election season mystery.


  4. Actually, IIRC, Mr. Trump chose (elected) to release names of some people he would consider nominating. I think he did so to buttress his credentials as leaning conservative. It's the first time I recall a candidate releasing such a list.

    So it was a novel strategy but doesn't compel other candidates to follow suit. Not that it would matter; anyone they would nominate would have Alinsky's book on their shelf and a Che` T-shirt in the dresser.

  5. Where have you been if you are questioning this now? Glad you see the truth, but this has been going on since Cronkite and probably before him.


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