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Thursday, June 23, 2016

A Comment Worthy Of A Post: Is The Cat Out Of The Bag?

Someone said that Ed Baker was hired by the Council. Is that true? If so, every Council member who agreed to that needs to be voted out next election. Another double dipper like Creamer. What is so complex about Wicomico County government that no new blood is allowed? Why does the Council need their own attorney anyway? Just more expense for the taxpayers and I guess a sign that they are going to continue to fight Culver on everything.

The Council is THE WORST by continuing to hire the same good old boys who have run this county into the ground. Creamer and now Baker. Wasting our money! Cannon was around for both hires. Does that tell you anything?


  1. Completely agree with this comment. They need to explain why they need their own attorney, especially Baker.

  2. What are they up to? They've done this for a reason.

  3. yeah, it tells me Cannon needs to go.

  4. There is something SICK about Wicomico County government that the same people come back after retiring and double dip. Do these people have something they are holding over the heads of the council? I hope it isn't because the council thinks they are smart. Considering the downward spiral of the county, they should be looking for fresh ideas and people who have experience beyond this country bumpkin county.

  5. I think we should accept that the Executive form of government isn't working. What this county needs to do is to recruit a first class, experienced, proven administrator and pay them what they are worth. Someone not from here, that knows how the rest of the modern world works.

  6. Like to see his memo on the Civic Center....

  7. RINO Cannon has got to go!!


  8. 9:14
    Makes sense, but are there such people available today in the modern world?
    Hopefully, but seems that not many qualified good folks want to be caught up in the low life of government when doing nicely on the outside.
    Thankfully Mr.Trump has put his talents up for grabs, but we the people can't handle the truth and chance passing the good man bye.

  9. The fact is someone has to protect the lies. Craemer and Carl Peterson should have been investigated years ago. Who do you call when local Govt. crosses the line??The answer is no one. Peterson lived way above his means for many years. Ed Baker got his back time in the retirement system even though he was not a full time county employee. The man was contract. He was serving other masters and got retirement from the county. Funny how many county employees were not allowed to buy back time.

    Baker must have some serious dirt on someone.

    The cover up of the county landfill thefts says it all. Clean house they all need to go


  10. The Slick Ricky deal to ex post facto deem private attorney Baker a county employee and reward him with a pension when his work for the county had been billed by his law firm while he handled other clients still smells. The WWTP is a perfumery in comparison. That is all that needs to be remembered!

  11. With all these comments about Baker not being on the up and up, why doesn't Culver expose what he has discovered? Personnel privacy shouldn't hold for malfeasance in office.

  12. Thought Bob was elected to clean up the sleaze. Seems like the Council is the sleaziest of all! There will never be forward progress with the likes of Creamer and Baker protecting their own interests.


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