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Friday, June 10, 2016

37 New Women Come Forward In Baltimore’s Sex-For-Repairs Lawsuit

BALTIMORE (WJZ)—More women are now coming forward in a sex for repairs lawsuit against the Baltimore City Housing Authority.

Nearly a year after WJZ uncovered the housing authority was under fire in a sex for repairs scandal, more women are accusing maintenance men of demanding sex before fixing deplorable; even life-threatening conditions are surfacing.

“Mistakes have been made here and some of them have been very serious mistakes,” said Baltimore Housing Paul Graziano after a settlement was reach in the lawsuit back in January.

Lynette Cooper, was one of 19 women who initially came forward to report mold, lack of heat, and even rodent infestations were ignored by workers unless granted sexual favors.



  1. 37 more? I smell a skunk. You can't tell me almost 60 people kept their mouths shut about this. I think they smell money and are making a mountain out of a mole hill. I'm sure some may have a legitimate claim but not almost 60

  2. Would have to agree with 325. It is rather suspicious that all these women are coming forth now. What prevented them from coming forward before? Money is always a big motivator for situations where there's a he said, she said scenario en mass.

  3. This is nothing new, women have been exchanging sex for all kinds of thing for years!

  4. Obviously, the first two contributors are male because they don't have a clue what women have endured for centuries.

  5. 3:25...You really don't think this kind of pervert isn't going to try to extort every woman in the place? You betcha he has hit on every woman in the building for years and years.

  6. After realizing there would be cash settlements made, they had delayed memory syndrome...

  7. 5:05 obviously you would be wrong. We live in a sue happy society everyone is looking for a quick pay day.


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