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Saturday, May 07, 2016

Woman arrested for defecating on boss’ desk after winning the lottery

NEW YORK – A 41-year-old woman had the winning lottery ticket worth over 3 million dollars on Friday night, but showed up to work anyway on Monday to deliver one last package.

The courier company had no idea of her winnings. “I knew something was wrong because I came back from lunch and the door to my office was closed,” said the manager. I slowly opened the door to discover the woman with her pants around her ankles, hunched over on my desk like a hippopotamus/cheetah dropping a massive poo on my desk. She shot her head towards me and locked eyes. I was frozen in shock and fear. In my peripheral vision I saw a huge mud-monkey sliming out of her butt like a Play-Doh fun factory.”

“It was worth it,” the woman said on arrest. “On Friday when I realized I hit the lotto, I knew this would be the first thing I would do. I hit up every Mexican food truck and saved my dumps all weekend. I was shuffling around like a death-row inmate trying not to explode. I’ve been putting up with that guy’s shit for years, it’s time he put up with some of mine.”

Read more about it here.


  1. YES!!! I love her lol

  2. 646 and 758 you are both pathetic

    1. So what does that make you ?

  3. $3 million isn't going to get her very far after taxes and now all her legal bills.

    1. She will still have close to 2 million and why would she have any legal fees? Plead guilty, pay the fine and go home
      Not likely she would get any jail time or even probation.I don't think it was very classy of her but I can't say what I would do if I won 3 million.I would like to think I wouldn't do anything like that but then I never worked for her boss. He just might have had that coming!

  4. I work for an EMS Captain in Snow Hill, and would do the very same thing!

  5. 1026 lol ..but I bet the Skipper will demote you now..but that's life

  6. lolll hilarious this gave me a good laugh

  7. It was worth it just for the guy's narrative.

    "...a Play-Doh fun factory." "...mud monkey...."

  8. Because 3 million dollars is a lot of money. But she'll get new job quickly...

  9. Like the Deer Harbour guy she'll just get charged with illegal dumping.

  10. Hey maybe the boss will be a nicer guy now. He must of deserved it!! Can't treat people like dogs!

  11. Hahaha wonder if he had to clean it up. You go girl. And congratulations on your win.

  12. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this chick is awesome!

  13. The boss should have smashed her face in it. Totally uncalled for.

  14. Why is this still in the top five posts section?? Its got 18 comments...
    The local issues, such as the violence in our schools, should remain in the top 5 slots. Just an opinion.

  15. 10:52
    We don't control what the top 5 posts are. They are determined by google by the amount of views a post gets.


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