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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Welcome To Ocean City, Maryland


  1. Revenue streams baby!

  2. To serve and protect. Just kidding!

  3. Why even host an event like this, if cops are going to sit there and pull them over. I hope those with the modified vehicles recognize the fact that they are just sitting ducks for the police.

  4. The town itself doesn't run these events. They are put on by private companies. Town facilities are leased by the promoters.

  5. The event is the barrel, the attendees are the fish.

  6. It's not to serve and protect anymore
    It's to stalk then harass

  7. The police department isn't the one holding the event, they're forced to patrol and regulate it. I've been pulled over there before. Cop asked me to pop the hood, we talked, and he sent me on my way with an understanding that I wouldn't be a jackass. If you have an illegal setup, you're asking to be pulled over. I don't feel sorry for you. Get out there and enjoy the show! Cops are people too!

  8. complain complain complain

  9. The police are not inviting these morons or hosting the event.


  10. 8:08....agree...you beat me to it.

    I have been a participant of this event sponsored by Special Events Production since the beginning.

    I have never witnessed any of the three departments, OCPD, WCSO, or MSP that cover this event, stop anyone that didn't violate the rules of the road. I have seen the police give some a nice breaks.

    Being a participant, I don't care for non-participants being there burning up the roads, although it is dangerous I do enjoy observing. Don't take that as a slam to unregistered vehicles, some registered ones do the same.

    Personally, I had a vehicle rear end me (minor) while driving Southbound during the event. The vehicle had nothing to do with the show, but rubber necking at the show cars.

    If police were not there, I would not be there. Thanks for a difficult job to each LEO.

  11. All Traffic tickets go to the State of Maryland general fund, not to Ocean City or any other municipality. So stop with the revenue generation comments.

  12. 9:48. You stop. They have to justify hiring so many cops.

  13. Quit going to OC. That will make things change pretty quick.

  14. Safety trumps hurt feelings

  15. RAA(retirees against anything) up to it again.

  16. Concerned RetireeMay 13, 2016 at 3:16 PM

    Promoters should not renew this event each year or participants should not sign-up or attend until specific guidelines are set worth. OC has allowed this event to continue and now they want to crack down on activities.


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