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Friday, May 27, 2016

We Followed A Snowy Owl From Maryland To Ontario

At the end of 2013, snowy owls started showing up far south of their usual winter range. The big white birds were reported in South Carolina, Georgia, even Florida.

Dave Brinker, an ecologist with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, had never seen anything like it.

"Something huge is going on," Brinker told his colleagues. "We won't see something like this for a long time, probably for the rest of our lifetimes."

The invasion wasn't just a boon to birders; it was a scientific opportunity. The lives of snowy owls aren't well understood because they spend much of their lives in the Arctic, far from humans. But Brinker and fellow bird biologist Scott Weidensaul knew if they could follow the movements of these wide-ranging owls as the birds returned to the frozen north, the scientists could learn a lot about their hunting patterns, breeding behavior and migration routes.

So the two men launched Project Snowstorm. They trapped visiting owls and fitted them with solar-powered GPS transmitters.



  1. Honestly speaking,one night last year I walked out of my back door and saw a big white owl sitting in a tree maybe 30 feet from me.I had never seen one before or since.It showed no fear as I walked toward it,and when I shined a flashlight on it I was 100% sure it was indeed an owl.10 to 11 PM maybe.

  2. They have been coming to the Eastern Sore of Virginia during the winter sense I was a child, and that's been a long time ago...

  3. Why don't they study politicians this closely?

  4. @3:59.... Hahahahaha! 😂😂😂 That is too funny ... but so true!

  5. Dave T: Better investment to study wildlife. At least it has a purpose and a real function, unlike politicians who function more now like parasites.


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