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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Underemployment is worse than official stats suggest

Underemployment in the U.S. is worse than the most commonly cited figures suggest, a new analysis published by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors concludes.

Researchers at the central bank published a note Monday saying that the Bureau of Labor Statistics figures on the number of workers forced into part-time work "substantially underestimates underemployment along the dimension of hours people are actually working."

In other words, there are more people who would like more work than is captured in the monthly jobs report.



  1. It's a given that the stats would be skewed toward making it look rosier than it is.

  2. No kidding Sherlock!

  3. I don't believe anything from the government with the current administration in charge.

  4. No duh!!! The figures come from the people currently drawing unemployment. It doesn't take into consideration the ones who have already exhausted all of their benefits, and still unemployed.


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