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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Trump Targets Hillary Over Bill’s Womanizing, Says Hillary is a….

Gee… who to root for when you can’t stand either candidate? Trump has a point here… Hillary was a total enabler of her hubby and his philandering ways. She has no room to attack Trump on the ‘woman’ issue. Trump is taking off the gloves with the Hildabeast: “Bill Clinton was the worst in history and I have to listen to her talking about it?” Trump said. “And just remember this, she was unbelievably nasty, mean enabler and what she did to a lot of those women is disgraceful. So put that in her bonnet and let’s see what happens, OK?” But it will be short order before Trump’s affairs and indiscretions are also brought into the light. I understand there is a lot of fodder out there on him. This is the ultimate reality TV… the Marxist vs. the Fascist. It’s sure to get ratings.

From The Hill:

Donald Trump took a swing at Hillary Clinton at a Friday night rally, using President Bill Clinton‘s affair to counter Clinton’s attacks on his standing on women’s issues.

“Nobody in this country was worse than Bill Clinton with women. He was a disaster,” Trump said at a rally in Eugene, Ore. “I mean there’s never been anybody like this and she was a total enabler. She would go after these women and destroy their lives. I mean have you ever read what Hillary Clinton did to the women that Bill Clinton had affairs with? And they’re going after me with women. Give me a break, folks.”

Trump has been under pressure to repair his poor standing among female voters. Clinton has frequently attacked him for his past comments about women and on abortion and for saying she’s playing the “woman card.”



  1. Trump should start talking about Prez Clinton selling military secrets to China and the policy that led to the mortgage failures, that led to the failed economy under Bush when the bubble burst. Bush should've reversed the lending policy but do you see how the Dems keep blaming Bush for the bad economy when it was the liberals in Congress during his last two years in office that created the mess.

  2. I still do not know what it is that Trump was supposed to have done or said to or about women. He said something about Rosie O'Donnel. He never said anything bad about WOMEN in general. Get over it and get a brain people. Do some research. Clinton will be even worse than obama. She has clearly said she will go after our Second Amendment, and will take care of illegals. Which is to get votes. Attacking Americans, not those who have invaded us, and taking Away our right to defend ourselves. She is protected by GUNS, why cant we defend ourselves with the same???????


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