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Monday, May 02, 2016

Trump Protester: Protesters Have ‘A Right’ To ‘Prevent’ Trump From Speaking

One of the protesters outside of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s speech in Burlingame, California stated that protesters “have a right” to express their “righteous rage” “in the way that they need to,” and to prevent Trump from speaking while speaking to MSNBC on Friday.

The protester said, “I don’t think it is out of control. I think that what you’re seeing people express righteous rage, at the fact that we’ve this hateful bigot coming to speak in our state, and they’re saying, ‘No absolutely not.'”

She added, “We respect the diversity of tactics, right? We planned to lock down the streets and keep him out, and stop him from speaking.”

When asked what she meant by “diversity of tactics,” Brooks stated, “We mean that black and brown and poor people have a righteous rage, and they have a right to express it in the way that they need to, and to prevent this man from speaking in our state.”



  1. Amazing how history repeats itself. Ignorant useful idiots always willing to die for the evils of marxism. Poor lost souls. TRUMP 2016

  2. poor people have been voting for democrats for 60 years and they r still poor

  3. Wish I knew that when Obummer was running!!

  4. Trump really is the real deal or this wouldn't be happening.

  5. The Donald 2016

    Hillary,Cruze,Sanders= Win NWO

    Trump+Rand= Win Humanity

    Trump+Newt= Win NWO

    Still beware.

  6. I could comment on my white "righteous rage" but I know what I'll get for it. Nothing. It must go hand in hand with my "white privilege."

  7. You start paying taxes the you have a right.

  8. No one has a "right" to prevent one from exercising their first amendment rights, which came to us the day we were born. No one "gave" us this right, so no one can take it away.

    Attempting to do so is an assault, which IS a crime.

    Simple enough?

  9. protesters don't have that right.

  10. Protesters have a right to protest not stop Trump from speaking! They then start acting like the idiot they oppose AND the hate mongers that follow him!

  11. They can protest peacefully but not disrupt by blocking public streets or sidewalks. Whatever happened to disallowing profanity in public places?


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