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Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Top Conservative Trashes Hillary's War on Jobs

Hillary Clinton has a message for working families: Drop dead.

And that’s why Kentucky Senator Rand Paul is demanding she personally apologize to the people of his state for working to make them poorer.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Sen. Rand Paul on Monday called on Hillary Clinton to apologize for promising to put coal miners out of work after a report was released showing Kentucky lost more than 1,500 coal mining jobs in the first three months of the year...

..."As Kentucky's hardworking coal miners and their families continue to endure the very real and devastating effects of the Obama-Clinton War on Coal, I doubt they are excited to have the person who promised to put them out of work personally rubbing her anti-coal, anti-Kentucky agenda in their faces today," Paul said on his campaign site.

"Hillary Clinton's apology is long overdue, and I am calling on her to apologize today, and in person, as she faces the Kentuckians suffering under her War on Coal."

Source: AAN


  1. Good Luck on getting that apology and if she does give an apology it will be a lie, like the one she gave the man in West VA, i.e. they took my statement out of context - Bull Hillary, just plain BS.

  2. You will get nothing from Hillary on this unless it's an empty lie.

    Trump, however, ask him! I'll bet you get a really true answer, and I'll bet he makes it part of his campaign! He will be your strength with this. He will not keep you suffering, just ask him. He is VERY available, especially to you.

    BTW, Sanders won't care, either.


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