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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Today's Survey Question 5-12-16

In which prison would a Transgender person 

be incarcerated, men's or women's?


  1. Great question considering the strange times we live in. I have no answer.

  2. Whichever one they do not choose.

  3. According to there sex classification on original birth certificate.....North Carolina style!!!

  4. solitary in either.

  5. That's what I was thinking maybe it goes by their birth certificate. Then I have another question. If a person completely goes through a gender change are they issued a new birth certificate?? I understand every state has or will have their own policies. But what about Federal Penitentiaries?

  6. What they were born w/. Penis/male etc., thats y u see so many "Buffys" walking around male jails. No transgendered rights there, yet


  7. Lord even though "they" want you out of here, please save this country.


  8. Place them in TRUMP TOWER and see what he does to or for them. Convict will wish he/she went to any facility the state ordered.

  9. I think they should be incarcerated in the prison that corresponds to their genitalia. If the plumbing is a man's they should be in a men's prison, if a woman's plumbing they should be in a woman's prison.

    I don't think the birth certificate is a good marker because Caitlyn Jenner says she has had her/his driver's license and birth certificate changed and yet she/he has NOT had final sexual reassignment. I'm not sure why she would have been able to change the birth certificate if the surgery wasn't done but hey, that is California for you.

  10. Yeah, as a guy if I were going to do time I would want to be in the women's prison. Maybe that's what Bruce Jenner was thinking when he was facing charges for killing that lady in his car.
    By the way whether you are a South Park fan or not you have to check out last season and what they did with Caitlyn Jenner. The whole season was great, it was like a preview of this election and the whole PC wars, but came out before it all started. Their Caitlyn Jenner had me rolling on the floor in tears though.

  11. Ever seen Orange Is The New Black? They are housed in the sex they have transgendered to.

  12. If they still got guy parts, then in with the guys. They will just be more popular.

  13. I agree with 1:59

  14. The door is wide open for all kinds of troubles due to this stupid liberal influenced nonsense has taken hold. Let me ask this suppose I'm a male, but on a particular day am identifying as a female and while I'm female I force myself on a woman is it rape? Or I'm male 40 years old, but identifying female age 16 and have sex with a 16 year old female is it child molestation? This seems bizarre, but it could actually be a point of legal contention!

  15. What about those with both parts?

  16. Caitlin Jenner still likes women so which do you put
    her in?

  17. So if a man like Jenner completely goes through with the change and this person gets put into prison. Do we tax payers have to foot the bills for their shots and or treatments that come along with a sex change??? Wow so many things running thru my head on this issue.

  18. Dave T: Good question. Seems the LGBT movement is never satisfied and when they are, then they want more and more. Give an inch, they want ten miles. Good luck on this one.

  19. 1:12 made a clear statement...."ORGINIAL" birth certificate.

  20. Neither! The LGBT groups will scream, holler, throw temper tantrums and hissy fits till they get " separate but equal " facilities catered to their special needs, wants and desires. Such as surgery center, hormone therapy clinic, specialised psych center etc. And if nnot more hissy fits!

  21. In todays society, that is the question of the day. B4 they could figure it out, his/her time would probably be up. No time served.

  22. The prison that has Bubba as a cell mate. It won't make any difference.

  23. Put them in whichever has space and tell them to 'bend over and touch the floor'...somebody will take care of them

  24. Do a DNA test and they go in the jail that matches the result. You can tattoo black stripes on a white horse but it doesn't make it a Zebra.

  25. Send them to a deserted barren island to be by themselves and hopefully this filthy lifestyle will become soon extinct.


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