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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

This Senator Paints a Terrifying Picture of a Hillary Presidency

Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions said the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms would become nearly extinct if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency. 

Sessions told "Fox News Sunday" that "Hillary Clinton is the most anti-Second Amendment president perhaps we've ever had" and cautioned voters to consider the damage to gun rights her presidency would cause. 

The senator said Clinton would pick a liberal Supreme Court Justice to fill the court's vacancy, with potentially disastrous ramifications. 

"And what that means is, it's no longer a personal right to have a gun, but every city, county, and state can completely ban firearms in America," Sessions told Fox News. "This would be the greatest reduction of Second Amendment rights since the founding of the republic."

Source: Washington Examiner


  1. Which is an important reason why everyone needs to share with their neighbors the crimes the Clintons have been involved in and make sure they don't return to the White House.

  2. Isn't that what he said about Obama? Times almost up and everyone still has their guns.

  3. 11:15am: Hillary will try to disarm us as Transgender Barry Obama tried...

    But, she will meet terrible circumstances by Anonymous


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