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Sunday, May 22, 2016

‘They Didn’t Raise Their Son Right’: Zimmerman Slams Trayvon Martin’s Parents in New Interview

George Zimmerman ripped into the parents of Trayvon Martin in an interview published Tuesday night, telling The Daily Beast that the pair did a poor job of raising their son and “did everything they could” to “capitalize” off his death.

“They didn’t raise their son right,” Zimmerman told the website.

The former neighborhood watchman was acquitted in 2013 for the shooting death of 17-year-old Martin. The minor’s death ignited nationwide debate and protests on race relations. Zimmerman, however, expressed no regret in his interview with The Daily Beast.

“He attacked a complete stranger and attempted to kill him,” he said.



  1. If George had gone on to live a respectable life following the shooting a lot would have been forgiven & forgotten.Some people just don't get that they're under a microscope.

  2. Oh boy is he going to get slammed in the PC Liberal Media ! You can't say the truth on TV.

  3. Zimmerman and trayvon: Two peas in a pod. People who are shooting other people and getting shot have these problems for a reason. Not all, but most people, who live sane decent lives never get evolved in things like this unless it happens accidentally.

  4. Agree. However his parents didn't do such a swell job either. Cuts both ways.

  5. Zimmerman's statement is 100% correct.

  6. Zimmerman will end up just like OJ, hope he enjoys his freedom now. Such an idiot.

  7. and we have parents around here like trayvon's. some of these idiots don't even know what a sidewalk is for.

  8. 10:00 - you are correct - but so was he!

  9. bang my head on concrete and see what happens.

  10. Trump/Zimmerman 1016 !!!!!! Make America great!

  11. Zimmerman is absolutely correct just as he was absolutely justified in shooting Martin.
    If Martin's parents had such concern about him in life as they had in death he would not be dead today. Useless baby machines who suddenly start caring about the kid when they see there might be a lucrative payoff for them.

  12. I'm not sure about Trayvon Martin's parents because I don't know much about them, but I did read excerpts from Michael Brown's mother's book the other day and she discussed all of the violence that he was raised with. The father beating the mother regularly in front of the children. The whole thing was not available so I don't know if it goes on to say he ever hit the kids or not, but the point is that when it all happened Mike Brown was just a "gentle giant of a teenager" who would never have attacked that policeman. Blah, Blah, Blah, more of the same. Yet that article that comes out now a couple of years down the road tells a whole different story. How much did the taxpayers have to pay to settle that lawsuit even though the policeman was just found to be doing his job?

  13. This from the guy who has been arrested multiple times for domestic violence??? In addition to killing someone, that is.

    1. But he's still alive so what's your point besides being STUPID!!

  14. Obviously Zimmerman's parents did not raise him right either. With all the trouble he has gotten himself in after this incident. Not so sure it actually happen the way he said it did either.

  15. 3:07 despite the media spin, M. Brown and TM were totally diffrent situations. Having a civilian track you in the evening, jump out a car and confront uou is a whole lot diffrenet from a marked cop stopping you

  16. 4:44 PM - I don't think there is any actual evidence that he physically assaulted his partner. Cops are often used as babysitters and weapons to relationships. I think a lot of that was blown out of proportion.

  17. No one can agree with that statement because no one was there. You get one side of the story because the other side is DEAD. When he followed that kid down the road with a gun it shows he was not scared. A scared person wouldn't have left the house. Somebody is going to get him and I think they would be justified. I couldn't say that I would be scared of Trayvon Martin walking down my street, but I would definitely be scared if Zimmerman was my neighbor, and apparently being scared is now justification for cold blooded murder.

  18. Travon's parents need to remember the whole truth as well, just hours prior to this incident and his death he kicked a black bus driver after being expelled from school. This was no good black son, he had issues including uncontrolled anger.

  19. George is right the parents are to blame and he should sue them.

  20. All the Travons of the world should be dead. Suck on that liberals.


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