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Monday, May 02, 2016

The Salisbury Chamber Of Commerce Liberal Agenda

While Salisbury News has traffic in the MILLIONS and has served the community for more than a decade, I wonder why we've never received such an award.

Could it be because we don't kiss their Liberal A$$?

Could it be because we tell the TRUTH?

Could it be because we break news stories well before any local media source and it ticks them off?

Could it be because we deliver news and information SEVEN days a week and we don't suck up to advertisers or community leaders/organizations?

Last year Mr. Bassett received an award from our Delegates and Senators for, (get this) being in business for ONE YEAR. 

This is all OK Folks and allow me to explain why.

I'd rather get an award from the Salvation Army because I/We served ringing the bell to help others. 

I'd rather get a hand shake and a thank you from organizations we make donations to or the homeless we deliver meals to. 

No pictures necessary. We will be rewarded by a much higher power for all the right reasons. 

By the way, congratulations Mr. Bassett. Nice picture.


  1. These IDIOTS should pack up and go with L MitcHELL.

  2. keep up the good work,joe some people are scared of the truth and others just deny it BUT it is still there

  3. I dropped my membership there years ago as it has changed a lot since brad left and not for the better.

  4. You deserve recognition Joe, but not from those fools. They are afraid of you. Your recognition comes from your LOYAL readers. That means far more than the little group that just passes around awards to each other. Those awards are very shallow. You have the real deal!

  5. It may be just me but it seems like when Greg Bassett talks it appears he has been sucking on a lemon.

  6. Joe, Greg paid a LOT of $$$$ for that award! You just need to pony up a big pot of cash and you can get one, too!

  7. 11:35, I firmly agree. No rainbows and unicorns here.

  8. I read your news articles everyday. This is the only place you can read the truth. The other local media only tells you what they want you to hear. Good job Joe!!!!

  9. That awards banquet was a freaking Joke. You would be surprised who got all those BS awards.

    Mike Dunn got an award and he got up there and cried like a little girls because of his fake touching story about this little boy that gave him $5 for working in the yard to go towards the stupid fireworks. WahWAhWah!

  10. Salisbury's Chamber is one of the most disgusting good ole boys group I have ever witnessed. Still remember ole Ernie's denial that anyone had the questions beforehand in the debate they hosted...when it was SO OBVIOUS to everyone that ole Ernie felt he had to deny it.

  11. You don't get any awards or recognition because you're VERY unprofessional and posts like this prove it.

  12. Anonymous said...
    You don't get any awards or recognition because you're VERY unprofessional and posts like this prove it.

    May 2, 2016 at 3:07 PM

    Why is this an unprofessional post you dumb moron... because you said so. Go suck a sour pickle and I will make mine unprofessional.


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