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Thursday, May 05, 2016

The Biden-Warren Warning

There has been some chatter in recent weeks that Hillary Clinton isn’t actually the Democratic Party’s intended 2016 nominee. That chatter was amplified last week when the ever-inebriated former House Speaker John Boehner, the quintessential “establishment Republican,” endorsed Donald Trump while maligning Trump’s conservative opponent, Ted Cruz. (No small irony that Boehner’s abject failure as speaker has largely fueled Trump’s populist appeal.)

Amid the fratricidal mayhem, you may have missed this Boehner prediction: “Don’t be shocked if two weeks before the convention, here comes Joe Biden parachuting in and Barack Obama fanning the flames to make it all happen.”

For the record, I don’t think Biden is the intended nominee, but I do believe he — not Sanders — is the default candidate in the event that Clinton is indicted on felony charges. The calculus that this indictment is coming may mean that she is already presumed to be a mere placeholder for Biden — unless, of course, Bernie Sanders continues to flank that strategy. Let’s hope he does!

In a profile on Warren two years ago, I noted that a Clinton indictment “would open the door for Warren or Biden, or perhaps a Biden-Warren ticket.” Indeed, Joe Biden is an affable candidate who has none of Clinton’s negatives, and Warren is the ideological heir apparent for Obama’s “Imperial Presidency.” Like Obama, she is a certifiable socialist — a rising star among the statists who have infested the once-noble Democrat Party.

Keep reading..


  1. I hope that is the new ticket. Those clowns will be easier to beat than the Hildabeast!

  2. Yeh right democrats are outted now they are all socialist commies at heart.

  3. Its truly sickening how the federal government continues blackmailing state funding to those who do not comply with illegal federal laws.

  4. I think 8 years of Socialism is enough for everybody. Trump will win easily BECAUSE of Obama.

    I just hope he's not assassinated. There are some very bad people out there with a LOT of money.

  5. This is probably been the plan all along. Run donald to create dissension among the right.Put up Hillary the loser and Bernie the commie on the left. Shes busted, bernie not nominated and at the last minute sneak in some unknowns non-vented candidates. They will be swept ofice in a landslide. Only to shed the sheeps wool and expose their true evil inner selves. Leading to full control and compliance after they nuke the ecomony..poof.. erode our freedoms our sovereignty and extinguish any patriotism and christian Gods. The UN moving us into a new world order. The stage is set! so I don't trust any of these people anymore. It's about control, the money and the evil satanic cult thats controlls all we see, feel,hear, and touch on this planet. Better get on your knees and pray for Jesus to save us all.

  6. 530, you are correct on their big plan, it's a real possibility, but if 5:26 gets up off his knees and grabs his gun and teams up with the neighbors like you and me, we'll be kept safe.

  7. Its 5:26. I'm there bro stocked, locked, and aware. Just nervous that we are being played again. My faith has my eyes and ears open to the truth. Not all these lies and deceptions. So, dont worry i wont take a knee if it gets real.

  8. Well,5:26/ 6:01, you have a lot of us brothers out there, so stay calm. Wear a Trump hat and shake hands with other cap wearers. Know your friends and know your enemies; all should be kept close.


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