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Friday, May 27, 2016

Thank God its Friday 5-27-16

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Trimming bushes and watching the new X-Man movie.

  2. Later today Willards FD for a crabcake platter then not much for the rest of the long weekend except to barbaque up a few slabs of ribs I bought. Maybe a little bit of yard work and I'd like to do some reading.

  3. Having some adult beverages this weekend in OC and remembering the finest human beings to ever have lived on Monday.

  4. Getting my garden planted, and opening up my pool. Plan to do some grilling and getting drunk!!!!

  5. Start off on the Harley to Willards FD for a crab cake....leave there ride down to Westside FD eat some BBQ chicken!!! DAMN retired life is hard...might stop in Boonies for a cold beer or two!

  6. JUST trying to survive....

  7. Softshell crab fest in Crisfield on Sunday.

  8. I too am retired, but I started my Memorial Day weekend yesterday placing flag on Veterans final resting spot, and you know something when I left there I felt proud.

  9. Visiting with sisters I only get to see once a year - Yay! Having a sleep over with the grandkids on Sunday night - another Yay!

  10. Getting drunk and working.


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