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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Susan Rice Says National Security Agencies Too ‘White, Male and Yale’

White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice said in a speech Wednesday that national security agencies are too “white, male and Yale.”

Rice, who is herself black, delivered a speech at Florida International University, in which she argued these agencies should better reflect the diversity present in America, The Washington Times reports.

For Rice, the problem with having too many white males is that a sort of “groupthink” environment is fostered. Through bringing in racial minorities, this groupthink can be shattered.

“By now, we should all know the dangers of ‘groupthink,’ where folks who are alike often think alike,” Rice said. “By contrast, groups comprised of different people tend to question one another’s assumptions, draw on divergent perspectives and experiences, and yield better outcomes.”



  1. Kinda like when black people burnt down their own homes in Baltimore Groupthink is never good

  2. Yet if a person in power who was white said something of this nature about black individuals they would most likely be protested against and fired....

  3. Looks like Obama and his cronies are going around the country inciting anger during their hate speeches at university commencements.

    1. that's exactly what they want.

  4. What she said is racist!

  5. Has Obama has a chance to portray blacks in a positive light and to embrace their American blackness however his words despises the American dream. His words incites anger in the black community and hostility in the white communities. He's not a uniter he is he a divider, in power only due to his Marxist dictates.

  6. Dave T: Awe, I'm having trouble coming up with some compassion here. Looks like the liberal left is now pushing to play the race card now that the future seems to bode well for an ideology that is counter to their own. Amazing how we are forced to tolerate Obama's ridiculous policies and incompetence for 8 long years and now the minute new, differing ideas enter the circle for real leadership, we are suddenly plagued with racism. I'm agreed on all accounts with the other commentary here, if a white person said these things it would be a huge media affair. Looks like reverse racism is the problem here. Wake up black people ! Mr. Obama has done you no service. Just look at your unemployment data throughout his term. He gives more precedence to to Muslims and terrorist than he does to people of his own ethnicity. How pathetic that is.

  7. Every city that has blacks in the positions of power and leadership is failing or already in financial ruin. Just the kind of people we need running our security..

  8. Just like the Ferguson and Batimore group think..."I'm gonna tear somethin' up and riot" !

  9. Groupthink is not even a word in the English language. Democrats make up shit as they go.

  10. Have u seen the waterfallMay 13, 2016 at 6:45 PM

    I guess Susan is not confident in her blackness.

  11. 6:45, Thanks for your sign on! LOL!

  12. Ok Susan, let's reduce the percentage of blacks "employed" by the government to represent the actual 14% of population. Too black, too uneducated and too many.

  13. I think when your a racist you must believe everyone is a racist. Things will change when we elect our first black president.

  14. This is the same woman who perpetrated fraud on national television, blaming a video for the Benghazi attack? Why has she come out from under the rock she's been hiding? And more importantly, why should we give a hoot what she says? Can you say, irrelevant?


  15. Purrr trash.

    My white privilege or groupthink is thinking...bring it on anytime my friend.

    1. Good, where you want us to bring it? Don't hide behind the sheets White Privilege!!! Any racism will be defeated!!!

    2. You better look in the mirror, Reggie. That's where the real racism exists.

  16. Aren't most of our country's enemies not white and didn't go to Yale? Makes sense to me.

  17. What are you dummies complaining about now? She used facts to back up a statement the military has already supported. Example: difficulties infiltrating terrorist networks because they dont have a clue about the muslim population. Sorry, but white men are not Gods gift to the world. And if you actually knew history, you would see that we got where we are today from contributions from all.

    1. As a matter of fact, white men have contributed more to modern civilization than anyone else. Asians have, as well.

      Africans couldn't even invent the wheel, let alone the sail, or a true written language.

    2. #1 please review that first line and ask yourself do those 2 sentences even make sense.

      #2 based off your comment I see you have nevef heard about a bedan or the kingdom of Punt.

      There are things called facts people. Please consult with them before you form yet another garbage opinion.

  18. Come on people they are desperate and realize the catastrophe they've created. This is all they have now they know that come TRUMPtember election they know all their BS policies and degrading of America is over.

  19. 9:25...you are neck deep in the Kool-Aid.
    I'll bet you have many awards for "attendance" and "participation", too.

    1. Do you have any real facts to bring to the table, or just worn out childish dribble?

  20. But is is just fine to have pro basketball teams that are all black?

  21. Blacks are by far the worst racist offenders in current times.


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