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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Subject: Sheriff David Clarke: ‘The Only Person Safe in a Gun-Free Zone Is the Criminal’

During his May 20 speech to the NRA Leadership Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, Sheriff David Clarke Jr. said, “The only person safe in a gun free zone … is the criminal.”

He made this comment while referencing the horrendous May 12, 2006, sexual attack suffered by Kimberly Corban in her room on a college campus.

Clarke said:

" This brave woman voluntarily shares the story of her horrific event so that other women do not have to experience what she did. She found out when seconds mattered, the police were not a 911 call away. She also learned that the only person safe in a gun-free zone — like a college campus — is the criminal. She knows that law-abiding people have been disarmed in these gun-free zones by their government."

He paused, then looked at the audience and said, “Don’t ever let anyone tell you to outsource your safety to the government.” He added, “Defend yourself in ways [that are] more advantageous to you, then dial 911.”

More here


  1. Thank you Sheriff David Clarke.

    You are a good man.

    Trump....Hogan...Clarke = good men

  2. Well spoken Sheriff Clarke!

  3. Do not rely on police for protection. Police can only become involved AFTER a crime has been committed.

  4. 838 police can't even do that now. Or they will be indicted.

  5. 838 police presence can deter crime but the days of stop and frisk to stop crime is over. Not worth it we need our pensions. Your job doesn't require you to kill.


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