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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Subject: Sen. Boxer: 'If I Didn't Have a Lot of Security, I Don't Know What Would Have Happened'

(CNSNews.com) - Far from the insular world of Congress, out in the wilds of Nevada, Sen. Barbara Boxer, a liberal California Democrat, found herself surrounded on Saturday by snarling fellow liberals who support Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

But unlike some of the ordinary Americans attending Trump rallies, Boxer had a security detail. "Fortunately," she said.

"It was a scary situation," Boxer told CNN on Wednesday. "I was there...It was frightening. I had -- I was on the stage and people were six feet away from me and if I didn't have a lot of security, I don't know what would have happened."


["Security.." You mean people with guns? --Editor]


  1. security has no guns , she's against them .

  2. If the security details for dumbocrats were required to abide by the dumbocrat 'gun-free' agenda, these idiots would have nobody willing to protect them!


  4. Concerned RetireeMay 21, 2016 at 2:30 PM

    Prime example of an "ANTI-GUN" Politian glad they had their armed security. Now I want to know why I cannot be armed for me and my families security? She is one of the problem Politians that allow Criminals out early or get very lenient sentences and illegals roam the US committing crimes on the unarmed citizen. Sounds very hypocritical, but then what Politian isn't.

  5. It's about time they reap what they sow.

  6. security has no guns , she's against them..

    Huh. She has a concealed carry permit.

  7. Democrats didn’t seem to mind when Bernie supporters showed up and caused trouble like this at Trump rallies. They didn’t mind it when Bernie supporters threw punches at Trump supporters. But, now that it’s happened to them...

  8. 3:34 Its sarcasm! She does not want ordinary people to have guns. It is just fine Boxer to have her guns.

  9. Begin the hanging of the these hypocritical slimy wanna-be dictators.....
    YOUR life is a statistic.
    THEIR life is valuable and must be protected with YOUR money at all costs.
    TWO SETS OF LAWS. It cannot be denied. Now, make sure YOU respect the law. Or else.
    Your concern keeps them awake at night.

    Ok, I made that part up.
    Keep cheering.


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