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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Subject: Cleta Mitchell: DOJ Should Prosecute John Koskinen

The Justice Department should prosecute IRS chief John Koskinen for lying to Congress — just like the Bush administration Justice Department went after Yankees ace Roger Clemens for the same offense, lawyer Cleta Mitchell says.

In an interview on C-SPAN Monday, the lawyer who represents conservative groups unfairly targeted by the IRS, weighed in on an impeachment resolution Republicans have filed against the tax agency's commissioner.

"It's important for the institution of Congress to ensure that officials [who] come before them, who mislead or lie to Congress and congressional committees in testimony, I think it's really important for Congress to hold those people accountable," she said.

"Congress sent a letter when Roger Clemens … testified before the Oversight and Government Reform Committee when the Democrats had control of Congress, and he testified about the use of steroids, he said he didn't use steroids," she said.

She noted at that time California's then-Democratic Rep. Henry Waxman "sent a letter to the Justice Department, the Bush Justice Department, and said you should prosecute him because he lied, and the Department of Justice prosecuted Roger Clemens, not once but twice, because the first trial ended in a mistrial and a hung jury."


1 comment:

  1. Gosh! Did you guys just think of this yesterday? REALLY?

    This whole Country has been shaking their heads at the audacity of an obvious criminal shirking off all complaints and keeping step with his walk.

    What took you so long?????


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