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Monday, May 02, 2016

Subject: 11-year-old protects Talladega home against intruder


  1. How IRONIC young blacks are being taught entitlement and the young whites are being taught to shoot whomever tries to take what's not theirs!!

  2. Shout out to the parents for teaching this boy self-defense. Good job young man.

  3. It is a wonder they didn't charge the child seeing as how the guy who broke in had already left the residence and was going over the fence when he was shot.


  4. 5:28
    Don't forget this did not happen in MD. We are so conditioned that we would likely let the intruder harm us instead of protecting our domain.
    We can only pray that Gov Hogan will consider it lawful and proper to arm and defend ourselves and not be concerned of punishment if protecting our family and property.
    Castle doctrine,etc...

  5. 4:41 - you're spot on! We need more citizens to act this way! We need more citizens to stop the government from taking what is ours also!


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