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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Stunner! Obama names transgender to faith post

President Obama has appointed a transgender man to a prominent faith advisory position, sparking a flood of outrage from conservatives.

His recent announcement named Barbara Satin to be a member of the president’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, a choice commentator Tim Brown at Freedom Outpost scorched as a “mentally sick transgender man.”

“And America tolerates this depravity!” Brown wrote. “Satin needs repentance, not an advisory position, but I don’t blame Barack Obama for that. Instead, I blame the United Church of Christ for its lack of loving discipline towards Barbara. They have allowed this person to wander into sin without any loving restraints to call him to repentance and allow him to stay in good standing in the body of Christ rather than a stern and sharp rebuke of his sin towards the Creator.”


  1. It's Obama's intention to leave Christianity in the dust, to break it up by any means he can use. Creating internal and external dissent is part of the playbook.

  2. He realizes he only has a few months left to do as much damage to America as is possible. Much more to come.

  3. Thats ok, as soon as Trump wins they will be showing this he/she to the door.

  4. You see rainbows warriors never stop! it's an outright attack on Christianity and God! if you can't see it you're blind as a bat! It Won't Stop until they stamp your forehead.

  5. Death by a thousand cuts.

  6. joe please start the countdown to the day president trump takes over and this fool goes back to kenya

  7. Not really a stunner. That is what this POS does.

  8. I wonder if Trump would consider starting the job sooner.

  9. Next on his agenda - decrimnalize pedophilia!

  10. Of course. Not surprised. satan.

  11. After watching Obama openly insult world leaders over the past months, it's no big surprise to see him do something like this.
    There's no question about what he means by it.

  12. This causes the faithful to question their church, but it shouldn't shake their faith in their basic beliefs.

  13. I could careless who or what he appoints to his circus. He's out the door in a few months hopefully Trump will make some money for us through tax breaks and jobs. I'm tired of starving and being forced to work double shifts to keep my kids in private school. If the government didn't take 40 percent then I could attend a few ball games.

  14. Damn! She ugly, too!

  15. Trump will clean house

  16. Barack and Michael LaVaughn Robinson Obama will soon be leaving our White House and none too soon either. Just wish these two would quit embarrassing all Americans by their antics.

  17. Doing anything he can to create a situation to declare martial law...

  18. That was the best person he could find for the job??
    His judgment is horrible.
    And Hillary says she will continue obama's policies....
    HER judgment is, apparently, horrible, too.

  19. Trump supporters better put their money and energy into working for his campaign because Clinton has Wall Street and Super PAC supporters. If you just sit back and comment on blogs then Hillary wins to continue this sick society of perverts, including her.

  20. I don't think the "reverend Sharpton" will be welcome in trumps white house


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