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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Stoned Drivers Are Killing More and More Innocent Victims

Blake Gaston (23), killed while riding his motorcycle in Seattle. He played the piano, guitar, drums, wrote music, and developed websites.

Elizabeth Kemble (46) was killed by a car while walking across the street in Portland, Oregon. She previously survived three kidney transplants, and dedicated her life to helping dialysis patients and hungry seniors.

Debra Majkut (34), mother of two, killed while sitting on her couch with three children when a car smashed into her house. And the list goes on and on.

Each person was killed by a person high on marijuana. And it is only going to get worse, given the trend towards increased legalization and liberalization of marijuana laws in the United States.



  1. wow this guys an expert on everything. wonder how i managed to live so long without ever hearing of him before! one mans agenda. guess he aint gettin paid enough by someone! I know I'll shake down the pot lobby so they pay me to go away!

  2. And yet they will never match the amount of accidents or people killed by DRUNK drivers. Don't even try pushing this BS story.

  3. Peanuts compared to drunk drivers. I feel the statistics may be flawed.

  4. Please read the articles then make a decision, one has a poor driving record and another made an illegal left turn plus was the first death ever where the driver claims he smoked 2 hrs. prior to the accident.

  5. Odds are that the people, if they were stoned, were drunk too. This is a piece of sensational propaganda that flies in the face of reputable scientific study.
    Look forward to more. And remember that prohibition is an abject failure.

  6. you will still test positive weeks after using so none of this information is relevant

  7. No it's not BS. Educate yourself. Colorado has a rise in crime including violent armed robberies since they legalized. You can lie about it, deny it, try and spin it anyway you want 6:08 but the facts are the facts pal and don't you dare ever ever forget it.

    1. http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_29527800/marijuana-legalization-unlikely-blame-denver-crime-increase

      Not everyone believes you.

    2. Well ...I can't cut copy and paste. I'm a bit to old school for that. But for every study i see saying crime has increased, I see four that contradict it. Please don't believe what the government/media tells you.

    3. That's a poor excuse. You are brain locked.

  8. Such bs.... weed doesn't kill people. Alcohol does. Texting while driving does. Heroin does. Method does. Many many things do... even pencils. However, weed doesn't kill people and forks don't make people fat!

  9. The facts are the facts alright. And where you get your facts is another story. I won't go into how many years I have been driving or how many years I have been smoking marijuana but I will say that I have never had an accident while driving from smoking marijuana. Did the facts come from Fox News, CNN, CBS News, some half screwed telephone poll? Just where did the facts come from. Oh let me guess, some expert in homeland security, drug enforcement, crime control and immigration. Well we know how well all of those things are working out right. Maybe it is time for some new experts. Go blow that smoke somewhere else. When they make cigarettes, alcohol and prescription pain killers illegal then come talk to me about marijuana, until then, bite me.

  10. Look pot heads your reflex is extremely slowed by weed numb nuts. I don't care if you drink or smoke stay off the roads by your junk food in advance. Pure idots.

    1. Been smokin and drivng on a daily basis for 30+ years.
      I have zero accidents. Zero moving violations. Zero points on my license. Smoked top shelf and schwagg, never hurt anyone. Not even myself. Go figure.

    2. "I don't care if you drink or smoke stay off the roads by your junk food in advance."
      If you are going to cast dispersions on my reflexes I have to point out that you can't spell. It's "buy" you moron and yes I bought my snacks BEFORE I lit the joint I'm holding. I guarrenty that not only are my reflexes better that yours I have a higher IQ and more friends than you.

    3. Typically people that have higher "IQs" also have better grammer and vocabulary skills.

  11. Hang up the phone, skip those last couple of drinks and then maybe you'll have a leg to stand on.

  12. my time in the usmc taught me one thing, our government would never tell the truth even if it was in their favor. everything our government puts out is not just a lie but a bald faced lie! spun for their own agenda! lots of usefull idiots out there, as the dems call them!

  13. That is absolutely, total BS.
    Quit trying to scare people with the latest "let's all be afraid and alarmed! get some NEW laws!".
    Its always funny when people who have never smoked marijuana begin telling everyone else how it affects individuals and what it makes them do.
    Please. Don't start with "I never did heroin either, but I know what that does..."
    Stupid, asinine comparison.

  14. The same is said for alcohol.

  15. Yeah its was just pot!! Just like guns,booze the list goes on. What ever the flavor of the week!!!

  16. Ahhh 2:46 I thought I recognized you. You are the guy doing 45 in the passing lane on the buy pass. If you don't mind may I ask what you do for a living. My guess is nothing

    1. OMG!!! We have only two people on this page supporting more laws, traffic stops, arrests and fines.
      One of them spelled "by" as "buy" and then you call the "bypass" the "buy pass".
      You have to be this stupid to think that the government is concerned with safety.

  17. All of this is just BS to keep fining, harassing, and arresting drivers. Now what will we have a blood test instead of a breathalyzer to start your car?
    How many people have been killed by a driver eating or spilling a coffee but we don't have breakfast checkpoints a 10k fine and police confiscating your vehicle.
    Just look at cell phones. Sure it's not safe to use them but by demonizing it you get to charge people more money and pull them over to look for more reasons to arrest them. You are being stopped by police who I see on cell phones, radios and laptops driving 20 mph over the speed limit and tailgating. NONE OF THIS IS ABOUT YOUR SAFETY!!!!!
    Demonize cigarettes so we can charge more in tax than the value of the product itself, demonize alcohol to tax it and hire your friends on as regulators. Hell they demonized carbon and warm weather and now the environmentalists are chasing natural phenomena while big Chem and big Agro fill your food and water with cancerous chemicals.
    The Government does not give a damn about you or your safety. The only things it cares about are taking more of your money, taking more of your rights and growing it's own power and reach. When you realize that fact, you stop being confused by the non-sensicle things the Government does and you start seeing the real priorities and agendas.

  18. 3:48 since you pot heads are grammar Nazis today you might want to spell check your post lol Same for you 4:15. I guess all the pot smoking has given you an elevated sense of knowledge. In short one would check grammar NOT "grammer" OMG we only have two people on this post who don't believe in legalizing pot. Libatrd idiots. Go back to proof reading a blog MORONS

    1. Libtard, not "libatrd". And you just don't know how many of us smokers are more likely to be conservatives rather than liberals.
      Take a breath and look for a wider perspective.
      Go, Trump!

  19. 951 I'll smoke to that. Ha.


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