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Saturday, May 28, 2016

SPD Press Release 5-28--16 (Gun Arrest)


  1. This can't be, criminals aren't allowed to possess or own firearms especially those super duper deadly "assault style" weapons that were banned in md along with those high capacity mags!! This has to be a false story.....

  2. Fishy fishy story with a lot of holes in it.

  3. So...I would be interested in the whole story...such as where did he get that weapon and did someone help him to obtain it.

    I fear that there are too many of these weapons in the hands of all the wrong people. Case on point.

  4. 1:39 he didn't obtain it legally, I'll guarantee that. It's probably stolen or a straw sell, but probably stolen. Any weapon in the hands of a criminal is gonna be an issue, not just a "assault style" rifle, which is complete BS of a description.


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