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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Some of the Transgender Bathroom Advocates Are Pedophiles

Mat Staver, founder and president of the conservative litigation and education group Liberty Counsel, said that some of the people pushing “bathroom” bills to allow biological males to use female showers, locker rooms, and bathrooms, are sexual predators, including “pedophiles.”

"This is a common-sense provision. The fact is we know sexual assaults occur, they are going to occur with or without these laws, there's no question about that,” said Staver on the “Faith and Freedom” radio show on May 9. “People commit sexual assaults. They commit them in buildings. They commit them in restrooms.”

“But what you have now done -- knowing that sexual assaults occur, knowing that they occur in these places where women are trapped and they can't get out -- now what we've done, through these laws, is we've opened the door for every rapist and pedophile,” said Staver.



  1. So true, needs to be stopped NOW!

  2. So are some priests, teachers, coaches, doctors and relatives.

  3. @10:07 beat me to it...

  4. 10:07 and friends.
    Very flawed reasoning on a couple of levels.
    Because some coaches and such might prey on kids, we shouldn't now discriminate against OTHER pedophiles by not allowing THEM to get in close contact with our children in an essentially private and unguarded areas?
    What's your next idea?
    Glass walls for public restrooms (since the "sexual privacy" of our kids now takes a back seat to the latest deviant's "feelings") so we can make sure no one is, perhaps, beating the hell out of some stranger trying to take pictures of a little girl in the restroom???Not EVERYTHING that the strangest and weirdest people "feel" or want is okay, acceptable, or normal. Sometimes, ya just gotta call that crap what it is and say "enough".
    Here's the biggest deception --- by screaming loud, stomping your feet, DEMANDING attention, and being always "hurt/offended", these whack jobs believe they are gaining "acceptance". Get back in the dark corner of the alley you crawled out of.....most people DO NOT think any of that is "acceptable".
    Men (no matter who they "think" they are, no matter what they "feel like" today, and no matter how they are dressed today) don't belong next to my little girl in the ladies room. I bet their life they don't. Feeling THAT???

  5. I guess she will never use a porta potty in her life. They are gender neutral and there might be a man in the next porta potty. You need to take your meds old man. You are quite disturbed. You only know about the ones that are caught and convicted. How do you keep the others away?

  6. 11:44...you win.
    THE MOST STUPID remark today.
    Porta-Potty's are SINGLE USE portable bathrooms. That wasn't even a good try at logic or reasonable argument.
    You need to get OFF the meds because your thinking skills are at about a 2nd grade level.
    Did I hit a nerve with the "weird", "strange", and "deviant" stuff and get your cross dressing, effeminate self all bunched up around your panties?
    You're in the small, small, small minority, boy. That really hurts, too, doesn't it? More than anything, I'll bet.

  7. If you are old enough to know which potty you should use, you are old enough to know which one you belong in.

    Quit making an issue where one isn't.


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