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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Sit This One Out


  1. How bought if you voted for George W, Busch????

  2. 3:58
    How about you go back to school and learn English? How do you expect anyone to take your comments seriously when you can't even spell about or how to spell the last name of 2 former presidents?

  3. Hahahaha.....Amen! Love it!

  4. Way to go, 6:26! My sentiments exactly!

  5. This would exclude 115% of the AA population from this election. I can almost hear it now from Sharptown and Jack (off)son

  6. Please excuse Vince as he is much more familiar with Anheuser-Busch than George Bush because that's what he bought at the store.

  7. That applies to myself I voted for him the first time and he was doing a pretty good job at that point, when he started to serve his 2nd term his true self came out, and I hate myself for believing in him. I now know him to be the racist he is, how he has fanned the racism. How he has not stood up for our servicemen, and abandoned our men & women in uniform meaning our police department also.

  8. There really needs to be an intelligence test for voting. I just love seeing a reporter asking simple questions at a college, and seeing the student too stupid to know the answers. It is going to be a very sad future.

  9. Sorry my bad! But I`m sure I showed him more respect than you have showed Obama! You guys must have voted for them. I`m sure you loved their great performances lol However you spell their names they sucked. Sad future you guys are already sad! Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous do you hide behind white hooded robes too? "Amen" Do you even pray? You good old boys entertain me lol


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