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Saturday, May 07, 2016

Should sex offenders have driver licenses like this?


  1. yes , ID cards at the least

  2. Give them 2 convicted drug dealers first!

    1. First? I'm sorry you idiot. The dealers give to those in search of. Children don't search out to be molested. Dealers get a pass when it comes to pervs.

  3. NO, give them to convicted Drunk Drivers, they are the real repeat offenders and a danger to all of us, not just our kids!

  4. This is a driver's license. It's for proving that you're allowed to use the roadways in a motor vehicle, nothing else (except for the organ donor thing.)
    If there's a need to identify sex offenders, microchip them.

  5. I think that having to show a driver's license with that information on it would fall under the category of cruel and unusual punishment.

    Having to show it as I.D. for banking, alcohol purchases, car rentals, etc. to strangers who have no need of the information would be a problem. And there's no need to have that information automatically given to a police officer during a traffic stop.

  6. It's time to stop bunching all of the people who break the sex laws together under one title: sex offender.
    There's the guy who, as an 18-year-old high school senior, had sex with his 15-year-old, willing girlfriend. After being convicted of statutory rape, he's lumped in with child predators, violent rapists and the like.
    The 18-year-old does not present an imminent danger to society, yet he carries for life the designation of a sex offender, put on a bad people list and an interactive neighborhood sex offender map. Something is very wrong with this.

    1. I'm sorry. A 18 yr old shouldn't be with a 15 yr old. Somethings wrong when kids date that far out of their age ranges. I know I wasn't! You must be one of those offenders!

  7. Yes they should in every state.

  8. I think that a tattoo 2" high should be placed on the forehead. Will that satisfy everyone?


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