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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Senate panel keeps military pay raise at 1.6 percent, reforms TRICARE

The House and the Senate may have to do some compromising in the near future over funding for military pay increases in 2017.

The Senate Armed Services Personnel Subcommittee is funding military pay raises next year to the President’s request of 1.6 percent.

That’s in contrast to the House Armed Services Committee’s 2.1 percent increase in its version of the 2017 defense authorization bill.

During a May 10 markup, the Senate personnel subcommittee unanimously passed its section of the 2017 bill.



  1. Meanwhile, Verizon is refusing 7.5%! To All, we no longer need Verizon, nor can we afford them. Just switch companies. I pay TING 70 bucks a month for two phones. Verizon is history.

  2. 956 you obviously know very little about the strike issue. If you fid you would know that pay increases are NOT the primary reason for the strike. Educate yourself before you speak.

  3. I am concerned that TRICARE reforms will significantly impact the military community negatively -



  4. Why aren't Barry & Hillary fighting for $15 an hour minimum wage for these poor soldiers????

  5. 5:38 you better educate yourself. "fid"???? Sureeeeee the strike is NOT about money. Sureeeeee.

  6. Verizon really SUCKs. It ain't a poor man tool to use. BOTTOM LINE.


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