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Sunday, May 01, 2016


After realizing it was two black students who drew the picture, they decided not to press criminal charges.

When Salisbury University police discovered that someone drew a stick figure hung by a noose on the school library’s whiteboard, they launched a hate crime investigation.

But after realizing it was two black students who drew the picture – which showed the hangman crying, included the N-word with an arrow pointed at the stick figure, as well as the message #whitepower – they decided not to press criminal charges, The Delmarva Daily Times reports.

English Associate Professor James King told The SU Flyer that the school’s investigation identified the students responsible for the racist drawing, which was originally discovered April 10.

“I confirm two students have been identified,” he said, “and are both African American.”



  1. Why aren't they filing criminal charges? I see this as a hate crime, regardless of who the offenders are. Because they are AA they aren't being charged? That doesn't make sense. What is implied that if the offender(s) were white they would have been charged? And everyone talks of white privilege, not buying it

  2. If they do not press charges we should protest. Could you just imagine what would happen if these were white students. Wish I had not already stopped donating to SU so I could stop now. I will stop going to lacrosse and football games.

    1. I agree we should get signs and protest in front of SU how can we arrange it ??

  3. so if your white and do it its a hate crime

    if your african american, its just good fun?

  4. Black privilege, do the crime, do no time.

  5. So it's a hate crime if white students do it but it's NO crime if black students do it. Where is the equal justice for all in that logic?

  6. WND and USA Today have articles posted online also.

  7. Both students should be expelled. the blacks keep talking about racial problems but they are behind many of the actions which cause negative reactions in our community. Had a white person done this they would have been punished and the NAACP would again be talking about black hate. People who race bait and create a atmosphere of hate should be dealt with quickly and to the fullest extent. They want to get attention, give it to them through punishment.

  8. Blacks are racists but double standard applies here.

  9. They need to get in DR Janet Eshbachs face at SU as the president she needs to take the hit, she is covering this up because she herself had a racial incident on Facebook she is also a overpaid liberal $500,000Yr, good for INFOWARS,I want ARRESTS.

    1. She needs to be FIRED......

    2. Joe please post the racial story on SU Dr eshbach it's on Google .

  10. FINALLY!!! This type of behavior on campuses nationwide has become a real problem. All students involved in other campuses WERE expelled from school. Thank god this has been exposed here and getting national attention maybe now this will be addressed accordingly

  11. SU president Dr eshbach under rug theee sweeeep

  12. And not a word from WBOC

    1. thank God for SBYNEWS
      Joe this should stay up top all day this is huge news.

  13. Well we see who has the privilege.

  14. Trump and Jan 20th 2017 can't come soon enough then this crap will stop since there boy Obama will be gone.

  15. Another example of how the justice system is geared to give minorities an advantage.

  16. Where is the ACLU now?

  17. The names and photos of the perpetrators should be released, as they would if it were whites. They deserve the public shaming.

    Regardless, the NAACP and other hate groups will be supportive of them.

  18. I just sent this story to
    and gave SBYNEWS the credit.

  19. Waiting for Jesse or Al to show up....

  20. why ohh why is the SU president covering this up ? this is mind boggling.

  21. So much for "equal justice under the law".

  22. Us white folks need to start burning and Rioting downtown Slumsbury, but that would just be an improvement there!

  23. Old Rev. Al won't be coming out anytime soon he's trying to keep his sorry ass out of prison right now !!!

    1. TRUMP is going to haul him in to the IRS then PRISON.

  24. They should be expelled immediately!

  25. Everyone get busy. Start forwarding this to every single media outlet you can find. If Eshenbach or whatever the heck her name is ---is trying to cover this up she can't be allowed to get away with that. Not on our watch anyway. She needs a good lesson in that you have to deal with uncomfortable things and not sit back on your lard butt hope it goes away.

    1. DR Janet Dudley eshbach SU PRESIDENT !.

  26. Story should be sent to FOX news.

  27. Is anyone really surprised about this? We live in a culture full of double standards.

  28. Has it occurred to anybody that these comments here are racist for the most part. I don't know what it means when black kids do these things. You don't either. I know that in my lifetime Salisbury University was formerly a segregated school and if I had been black I would not have gotten in. Jim crow was still at its open worst. I am actually thankful for my white privilege which continues to benefit me to this day. I am sorry about the covert racism that continues to poison society.


    2. Has it occurred to anyone that people are tired of trying to be made to accept beliefs and ways that they find unacceptable. Not EVERYONE is on board with the BS that goes on in society today

    3. 10:45. You are flat out of your liberal mind.Anyone can see this was a set up to stir it up. Even a white guy who can't possibly understand can figure this out.

    4. These comments represent the frustration with double standards. Do you realize that in 2044, whites will be a minority in the US? What then? Do ethnically white people then get all the passes then? Do they get their own tv channels, organizations, colleges, awards shows, etc.? Does that mean that ethnically white troublemakers will get the special treatment in our school system? People will NEVER stop seeing color until those of color stop pointing it out and using it as a crutch. When we start recognizing ATTITUDE and EFFORT then things may get better.

    5. What needs to be done is form all of the above WET, white history month, white people meet.com etc and sue the pants off them when whites aren't allowed the same racial programs and social functions

    6. I went to Salisbury State College in the mid-80's, and there weren't the disproportionate number of blacks there back then, although it did have the lowest percentage of any public four year college in Maryland, according to that year's Barron's Guide to colleges and universities. Yes, the amount of diversity was an important factor, I'd had quite enough of it in high school on the western shore and wanted to attend a college where the culture and values reflected my own.

      Not a thing wrong with that, either. They don't need to be meddling with integration and de-segregation. It didn't work back then, it doesn't work now.

      People want to live with, associate with, go to school with, and congregate with people who share their common standards of civilization. UMES had FAR better, newer and more resources, buildings and equipment than Salisbury did. Blacks went there, with superior facilities and amenities, so they could major in the rigorous and intellectually challenging Fashion Merchandising and African Studies and other highly sought after fields of professional expertise. Mostly whites went to the slightly run down, modestly equipped concrete plaza that was SSC, where the course majors were more traditional. The kind of curriculum that gets associated with the fictional construct of "white privilege" and employability.

      You know, like Mathematics, History, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering...Stuff (non-raving-liberal) White People Like.

  29. White people lets take a stand. What would the African Americans be doing if this crime was committed by white people. Don't let them brush this under the rug. The black students that did this should be charged with a hate crime and remove from the university. When are the white people going to get sick and tired of the blacks always getting away with riots, killings and rapes.

  30. craziness, students should be ex-spelled!!! I bet is was the student who tweeted the photo first!!!!

  31. Six people are facing charges right now in Wicomico over black folks lying to get the white man in trouble. No evidence, IR witnesses just their word to a commissioner. This is becoming the cool thing to do to whites nowadays. Lie to get charges and cost thousands in bonds and attorney fees. Tread light folks. Don't know when a black cloud will hang over your head.

  32. Wait Obama and the democrats will give them cell phones and put them on welfare.

  33. if the students had been white they would of had charges brought up against them or expelled from college they know they will not be punished,because of their color,the same as the youths looting baltimore SURE there is a double standard minorities are forgiven for their trespasses more than white kids that do the same thing people in office,whether at the state,county or gov't level are terrified of standing up yo the black minority they are just afraid to admit it

  34. Getting the current POTUS out of the White House won't make a difference, this racism is to deeply entrenched in the younger generation.
    It will take years to reverse this mindset, Although I do believe that Donald Trump as our next Leader will be a step in the right direction, Sadly this problem will be with us for a long time.

  35. 10:45 These comments are no where near racist. If in fact racism does exist it is because of people like you who have no backbone. All people regardless of race should be held to the same standard.
    Blacks are overwhelmingly responsible for this type of thing and I'll tell you why. It's because since the second they are born they are told they are victims. When reality finally hits them and they see they are not victims and are treated the same as everyone else if not better, they then have a compelling need to make themselves appear as victims. It's part of another one of their major difficulties which is honesty is not a valued trait.
    Actions such as this is the cause of racism. They create and have been for decades now creating their own racism.

  36. Since a new precedent has been established by not punishing this form of behavior, a white person should do the same in front of blacks. Then, when the white person is punished or charged with a crime it would be a good time to have a law firm sue for discriminatory treatment based on race. A nice payday will be settled out of court in the not too distant future.

  37. Amen 11:50 am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally agree!

  38. How about names and faces, if it were whites that did this, it would be plastered all over the news media, nothing like double standards.

  39. contact the DAILYMAIL.com

  40. Who do you charge?

  41. Dave T: Interesting outcome here from a so called "institution of higher learning." Sorry, but I'm confused. If we are to be "learning" how is it good practice to punish or not punish someone for an offensive action based solely on the color of their skin? Isn't this a simple rule that I thought we were all following and believing? I'm disappointed greatly in you - Salisbury University - for lacking the balls to do what is just and right, which is to punish the two people responsible. Instead, your actions are an indication that you would rather contribute to the problem. As a white person seeing this, I am totally offended by your inability to discipline students based on their race. Your actions are not indicative of a respectable and decent school system. Thanks for showing me your true colors ! I have a very good and long memory and it will be a long time coming before you ever see any support from me again because of this specific incident. I hope it was worth it to you to offend everyone else for the sole purpose of appeasing two people. I have no respect for political correctness.

  42. Where are the parents? A REAL parent would make their child if they were involved in this, offer a public apology.
    This is the problem right there. Parents who are failures and don't expect their children to take responsibility.

  43. @12:53 Yes! Well said!

  44. Joe when a white kid gets arrested for something like this there attorneys need to use this case as a comparison. ?

  45. 11:50 is correct. They have to make up racism because they can't find it. That's why they act up for cops so they can claim brutality because they are black. Honesty is NOT valued in black communities. The lying is epidemic. The excuse making is epidemic and then they sit there like imbeciles wondering why their neighborhoods are nothing but cess pools of crime and poverty.

  46. So SU is tolerant of black students attempting to frame white students in a hate crime.

  47. Wicomico county state attorney office is ok with black students trying to incite a riot, and frame white students. They never heard of the right thing to do, like Barney says, "You got to nip it, nip it in the bud"!

  48. So what needs to happen now is 2 WHITE students need to do the exact same drawing. If they are not treated the exact same as the 2 black students who did this then they should file a discrimination lawsuit against SU! People wake up!

  49. Almost all of these types of things turn out to be hoaxes. These people have allowed themselves to be so lowered in society that being a victim is all they have. Disgusting what they have allowed themselves to become. They have overwhelmingly failed as a race. Second generation immigrants have made more progress. It's absolutely nauseating and they have no one to blame but themselves. When you lie and make excuses and play the blame game you get reduced to and relegated to the poor poverty stricken crime infested station in life so many experience.
    They are so invested in it that they have to make it up. The penalty for the hoax should be the same or worse than the person who did it would have received if it were real.


  50. Blacks are taught at their single mother's knee that whitey is to blame for all black problems. Academic "higher" learning is run by libs so it reinforces the Black Lie for its own purposes of gaining power through black votes.

    Blacks are in fact safer among whites than among their own kind as a look at any crime stats proves. But pretending they're in danger from whites nets blacks money so that's what they do. They are a degenerated people who lie their own kids into race hatred, ruining their future in return for Dem distributed petty cash. They need to be shamed and looked down upon, this including race baiting organizations like the NAACP, until they straighten up. There is no place in a civil society for people like this and it's time civil society started treating them as they deserve to be treated which is like the uncivilized people that they are.

  51. This is maybe going to be an unpopular comment but as unpopular as it might be it is thought provoking. Many in the US esp democrats like to say in regards to the Middle East that we can't force democracy and civility on nations that aren't accustomed to it or don't want it.
    So what happened was people who were used to living in lawless primitive jungles were brought here, used as slaves and eventually freed into a white European society. Europeans in Europe and in the US built civilizations created industry and on and on. To this day that has not occurred in African countries. Most are lawless and the people would starve to death or die of diseases eradicated from elsewhere for generations now if not for the generosity of the US and other nations.
    In this country our cities which are overwhelming black have now become just like 3rd world African countries. Is it that these people do not want to advance? They are happy and content to go back to their roots which is poverty and lawlessness?

  52. Sorry what can you say when your "Top" cop as Matt likes to call himself does nothing. Sorry charges sould have been filed then dismissed if Matt wanted to take care of these two hard heads. This act could have caused major issues. It is not a victimless crime. Matt I do not know how you are sweeping this one ?? Bad call

  53. Gerald I may be mistaken but the way I understood it was the SA doesn't have the evidence to charge because they aren't sure who actually wrote on the white board. I guess I can understand that but I can't understand SU's stand because they are not a court of law and I imagine they can at the minimum suspend the students who were all in on this hoax. What I don't understand is why no release of names. This was a matter where LE got involved so we should be told the names.

  54. I think it is absolutely unacceptable that the recent racist drawing that is getting National attention, is not being handled appropriately. Everyone was up in arms, (rightfully so) and looking to file a “Hate Crime” against the apparent white student that they thought drew it. Now that it was found that the drawing was done by a black student, it is not deemed a Hate Crime? I am appalled, and shocked that the same course of action is not being followed. This is a clear case of discrimination, and many people I have talked to, are NOT going to stand for it. This type of unprofessional conduct by the authorities of this University should be duly noted, and properly dealt with.

  55. "Janet Dudley-Eshbach?"
    Really, that's it's name?
    Oh how prolific, oh how very fitting. DUD-ley. It's a dud alright.

    In case anyone was unsure, the definition of a dud is: a thing that fails to work properly or is otherwise unsatisfactory or USELESS.

    By failing to act on it's own words, it has proven it is totally useless.

  56. "University President Janet Dudley-Eshbach issued a statement soon after the drawing was discovered about how the issue was being “taken seriously” and asserted that the school “will not tolerate this kind of language or behavior.”

    There are levels of tolerance. Which is yours, Madam President?
    I'm sure that these two artists and their friends thought that this was a good laugh. But it wasn't. And it still isn't.

    Whatever the University policies are that speak to this behavior, they should be widely made public on a regular basis. The public, especially the local public, deserves to have an understanding of school policies and the range of penalties involved for violating them; these are not well detailed in school administrative policy literature, and not well understood by the public.
    Please, enlighten us.

  57. I'm sure Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are ok with this since it wasn't white students who drew it. If they had been white they would be encouraging rioting

  58. From what Joe posted here the other day, they caught the girls on video, they know who they are, but the college is doing nothing! I say too, a couple of white kids should do the same thing, and lets see what happens then!

  59. Nothing will ever change until African Americans take ownership of their lives. Stop blaming their circumstances on others and become proactive.

    I grew up in unbelievable poverty and fought hard through working since I was a teen and constantly improving myself. We mostly lived in a dilapidated camper in WV. We had no running water or bathroom facilities. We didn't want or accept any government assistance. When not living in the camper we lived with other family members who weren't much better off than us. My generation of family members went on to become productive, self sufficient citizens with extra income to spend on how we please. Our parents saw the light and made us go to school, study, read books and work hard and most importantly obey the law. We were taught to take great care of everything we owned and don't we dare touch anything that didn't belong to us or trespass.
    Slavery continues for some people as long as they willingly drink the democrats poison.

    No other other political party hates people of color or other cultures then the democrats. Take the time to research. As a Romany I see how the democrats tried to enslaved the Romany people. But Romany are not stupid and figured it out. Wake up or you will continue to be slaves.

    1. You have true American resilience and determination, something many blacks are sadly lacking.

  60. I used to routinely scrub depictions worse than this off of walls before anyone saw it.I worked in a St of Md facility & took it upon myself to make rational decisions since no one else did.If I saw a racially motivated drawing like this I laughed and removed or painted over it.If I was the first to receive a bomb threat I took the caller dead serious & then completely forgot to tell anybody.No consequences ever came about because of my actions.

  61. This could have incited a riot or other backlash - and no charges??!! SMH! Matt Maciarello needs to get involved. No pass because they are black. White kids would have already been kicked out and charged.

  62. Why is the President of SU afraid of the black students? Inquiring minds want to know. That is the only explanation for her decision. She must be afraid of backlash from them. How about showing some real leadership and letting the black students know their actions won't be tolerated.

  63. There must be an undercurrent at that University that is keeping Esbach from doing the right thing. Something/someone is intimidating her.

    1. yeah Google her with her name and racist comments on Facebook that is why she is covering up for them because they would bring up her RACIST PAST.

  64. Black Police Chief ????? Who are these kids related to. B.S. If they were white they would be burnt. This is just wrong

  65. The police chief is a double dipper out of the tax payer coffers.

    1. This dude has worked the good old affirmative action card. Ye retire from MSP then rehire SU police chief now leave the young black kids alone they were just horsing around I CALL BS!!!

    2. what is the X state troopers name running SU police.

    3. Edwin Lashley.

  66. Y'all need to stop. It wasn't that many years ago that a couple of white boys doing the same thing would have been dismissed as "hijinks." You know it and I know it.

  67. looks like the SU POLICE chief is on his 3rd pension wow.

  68. Sorry this cover up stinks. No way to white wash this one. Who are these kids related to. I think there is a much better explanation why they are being protected. What say you Edwin Lashley. You need to resign Sir. Take Matt with you. You two can start a liberal retreat down at the beach.

  69. Bad move.. Mr d/a...truth is you would have easily charged those white kids...don't let politics run your campaign...

  70. Keep the investigation going! Stop the hate crimes for ALL!!! Not just the African American people.

  71. There is no where near the amount of racism committed by whites against blacks as they claim. I have never seen a white commit a racist act against a white. They need to stop with the lies. Just like this act committed by blacks, most likely hoping it would be blamed on whites.


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