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Sunday, May 08, 2016

Republican Governor Larry Hogan Needs To Change Maryland's Carry Permit Process Immediately!

Governor Larry Hogan needs to speak with his Superintendent of state police, William Pallozzi. This is a simple conversation or phone call to tell Pallozzi that MSP needs to stop issuing carry permits with restrictions. MSP also needs to stop requiring MD Citizens to prove a need for a permit. The need is simple. Self defense for anyone who is law abiding should suffice.

If you feel this should be done, please sign your name to the petition in the link below. lets prove that we are not a minority!



  1. Replies
    1. obviously a liberal criminal thug lover.

  2. Just carry the damn thing. I would rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6. When charged take it to the supreme court.

    1. Your comment is what all cowards say.

  3. Hey gov WHAT are you waiting for ????????????????????????????????

  4. 12:52
    What the hell does that mean? Please explain!

  5. I carry and have for many years , it's my right.

    1. It's your right yet it's against the law. Still think this is a free country??

  6. I would not be concerned if we were more careful about WHO gets guns.Some gun owners are an accidental tragedy waiting to happen.

  7. I like Larry Hogan. I think this guy was a little hard on him. Can we get a link to this petition Joe? Thanks a million.

  8. 1:48 It means Hogan is not able to change it without the support of the legislature and they won't ever pass it.

  9. 3:56
    The link to the petition is at the bottom of the post.

  10. Wait for the second term broh

  11. They will though the case out before it gets to the supreme court... Just like the HQL is against the law...

    And it is funny to mention how worthless the HQL is... A background check to do a background check? give me a break... If every time you buy a gun and have to do a background check no matter what, then what good is the HQL, when you have to get a background check to get the HQL and then STILL DO A BACKGROUND check every time you buy a gun... Seems to me the HQL is just a tax...

  12. 134 you will be in general population serving your 4 to 7 years. Supreme Court takes about 5 years to hear you case.


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