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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Report: Liberal Speakers Will Outnumber Conservative Speakers 4-to-1 at 2016 Graduation Ceremonies

Liberal speakers will outnumber their conservative counterparts at 2016 commencement ceremonies by a ratio of 4-to-1, according to a report published by Campus Reform.

The college news website said it analyzed each school in U.S. News’ top 100 list and determined if the person was either liberal, conservative or apolitical.

Of the schools, 40 were determined to be liberal. Only 10 were found to be conservative.



  1. Thats because most universities are communist and stifling to any deviation from the NWO Libtarded agenda. They muddy the moral waters and re-educate everyone on the new evil empire and its massive sheep control system. No more free thinkers, ignorance is bliss in todays world.

  2. Probably because liberal speakers are generally more intelligent than conservative thinkers as proven by 5:20pm comment above.

  3. Why does everything have to be divided up as either liberal or conservative?

  4. Once again another ignorant comment by libtarded left-wing moron. yes 547 i dont have a college degree. uneducated no, a Navy vet from schools of hard knocks and hard work. But do I have a brain and i think for myself. So I can see the damage and division this man has created in this country. The damage the liberal,left-wing Progressive communist morons, like yourself,are doing to the world. So go back to your Ivory Tower and continue to grade English papers. Because obviously you can't compete in the real world that's why you work at a university or some other government funded sheep farm. IT KEEPS YOU IGNORANT and drunk on cool-aid. So Dont You think for a moment that your liberal Progressives have solutions. The reason this country is so torn and broke is because of liberals and their policies... Be sure to check my grammar now

  5. Thank you 6:18 for a good question. It's a shame that everyone wants to slap a label on people.

  6. It's because public schools and colleges have become liberal by their hiring more liberal teachers/professors and administrators. Oh, and let's not forget the teacher's union.

  7. It's actually due to universities and students reject hate and intolerance.

  8. Yeh right 6:46. Don't you watch the news and read various sources??? can't you see how intolerant the universities are to any dissension from the policies of the left and liberals. it's evident that most universities are bias! But .. not all...just most of em

  9. 547 can only come back with an insult, because he doesn't have a valid argument.

    Point proven right there.

  10. 6:18 and 6:38 - Things have to be divided up this way because of liberals. If the college speaker division favored conservatives then we would have a law that states they have to be equal. I could go on all night with examples, but I assume your are smart enough to get the point.

    And right on 8:14.

  11. It's this way because most graduating college students are more entertained by fantasies than they are documentaries.


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