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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Rep. Elijah Cummings Calls For Calm Ahead Of Nero Verdict

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — As we await the judge’s verdict in the Officer Nero trial, one prominent lawmaker is calling for peace throughout the city.

Meghan McCorkell has more on his message.

Congressman Elijah Cummings says the city called for justice and whatever verdict is reached is justice.

With all eyes on the courthouse awaiting a verdict for Officer Edward Nero, Congressman Elijah Cummings is asking residents to stay calm.

“We must remain vigilant to our moral code of peace, no matter what the verdict,” Cummings said.



  1. Baltimore City's Chief Deputy State's Attorney Michael Schatzow suggested that Officer Nero could have asked Gray why he was being arrested in an effort to determine reasonable suspicion and probable cause.

    The stupid just drips off that argument.

    When was the last time…

    skip that,

    when was the *first* time a felon being arrested told the arresting officer, “Why yes, officer. I am being arrested for committing a felony out there on the street corner.”

    I would tend to believe the conversation nearly always goes, “I didn’t do nutin’ at all, the cops they all got it in for me, I dunno know where them drugs came from, that’s not my knife, it got planted on me, I’m gonna sue you and the department for false arrest…”

  2. To late idiot! Thanks to you and your libtarded useless enslavement policies of the demoturd party. The genie is out of the bottle? You will reap want you have sown in balitmore. You can KISS, whatever you called progress in that ghetto that you created ...GOODBYE.

  3. So, Mr. Cummings, who's your pick for Baltimore mayor?

  4. They need to quit legitimizing rioting as an acceptable response. Bust their heads if they bust the city.

  5. 12:30 They had (as in Cummings, Mayor of Balto, former PD commissioner and council people) them herded and corralled them in the ghetto and then let them riot until they were blue in the face so long as they stayed in the ghetto. When they got out of hand in the tourist and financial areas and near Camden Yards they immediately got slammed to the ground, arrested and held for more bail then the Baltimore Innocent 6.
    In other words they crapped up their own nests further and they and the race baiters like the NAACP and the Black Lives Matter crowds all who are nothing but ignoramuses couldn't figure this out.

  6. I remember watching this clown during the riots in Baltimore. He was trying to talk on his bullhorn and he is so illiterate he couldn't formulate complete sentences.

  7. The decision was supposed to be announced today but they delayed it because of the Preakness. Officials were preparing for blacks rioting again. Sooner or later this crap must stop. We are a society of laws for all people including black people.

  8. They will riot no matter the outcome. Most likely a innocent verdict in which they will go bonkers. Even if found guilty they will still riot.

  9. No it wasn't supposed to be announced today 2:48. The only instruction given by Judge Williams as to the verdict came on Wed when he said closing arguments to be held on Thurs morning and he would have the verdict Monday morning. Nothing was ever said about Saturday. There is speculation that Officer Nero will be found not guilty across the board and verdict held until Monday so as to not interrupt the Preakness but at this point it is just that-speculation.

  10. He is a real pos.


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