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Sunday, May 08, 2016

Question Of The Day 5-3-16


  1. Yes they should! She should also have to pay this man compensation for all the lost wages.

    1. 100 mlllion or more. Considering he was going to be the number one pick for nfl.

  2. There definitely should be some type of penalty for ruining somebodies life.

  3. Absolutely, Positively, YES. Send every last one of them to prison for false accusations.

  4. Yes.
    And a lifetime of restitution.

  5. yes , spend the same amount of time at the very least.

  6. Yes and there should be some sort of compensation for the man. If the woman doesn't have the money there is wage garnishment.

  7. You bet your Skippy ! And the States or Fed's should have some kind of funds set aside for this.

  8. The crime is perpetrated against the accused and the justice system. The accuser's debt is to both.

  9. Absolutely Yes! It should take more than just one person's accusation to get another locked-up without any evidence needed. Commissioners should be ashamed of how easy they believe whoever shows up first to complain without any evidence ever being proven. It's not just the women, but it is mostly as I have witnessed in my many years working at jail. False rape accusations ruin the lives of so many without the other party ever getting to really clear their name since it is tarnished over time which can never be gotten back.

  10. There is no doubt that the woman should be punished, but is jail the best option?

  11. yes if this is the truth. Our judicial system has gone to hell with Obama in charge of the world.

  12. Damn right they should, it is false accusations and used up court and police time...

  13. Yes , just ask any of the 3 Duke players accused of rape a few years back. This bitch screwed up the lives for 3 entire families , then the media made excuses for her , mental issues.

  14. Yes. And why not just have one prison for men and women since theres no longer a need for separate rest rooms. Think how good everyone would feel with gender nuetral prisons. The thought is so inspiring,I think I will go talk to a tree.

  15. Happens quite often at college campuses.

  16. 7:22 I believe the Rev. Al Sharpton was running his worthless mouth at the same time about the "unfail", prejudicial justice system at the same time. Of course, Mr. Tax Dodger never said he was sorry for making those statements.

  17. Considering the woman's false accusations royally screwed this man's life as if he had actually screwed her - absolutely.....people should be held accountable for their actions!

  18. Google this
    heidi Cruz and carly firena huge blowout in a restaurant bathroom yesterday.

  19. Absolutely: and should also forfeit every attachable asset.

  20. Absolutely the liar should go to prison. Not only did she falsely accuse but she lied under oath and she made a victim out of the falsely accused.

  21. Yes, send her to prison. Sell all of her assets until his estimated loss and the govts loss is covered. Give her 5 years in prison or until all her debt to him and the govt is paid

  22. Yes! They lied under oath!

  23. False accusations could continue unless some sort of punishment is given.

  24. If we had sharia law this wouldnt be a problem. Just kidding. Of course she should go to jail. Day for day. Or come up with a butt load of money. Either way she needs to feel the swift sting of justice.

  25. She definitely should!

  26. Joe look up
    daily mail Salisbury MD

    the SU article is there but no comments?

  27. Absolutely, put her on trial....

  28. definitely women are just as guilty as men at conjuring up false allegations most courts will take the woman's side of the argument that is why there are so many unjustified sentences if there was a rape,then there is definitely dna of some sort

  29. Yes! And what really pisses me off, is that it cast doubt on a genuine rape victims that are telling the truth.

  30. Ask Al Sharpton about Tawanna Brawley.

  31. NO!!! She did something unforgivable BUT she OWES this man part of his life. She should have her money (job, house, car) attached to pay him back. AND THEN....if she quits the job (unless it is for a better job) or ceases to work.....THEN she should be sent to jail. You cannot get blood out of a turnip but she should think of him every payday...just as he had to think of HER every day of his life.

  32. I was a juror about 5 years ago on a case where a guy picked up a hitch hiker and she ended up living in his trailer. He ended up kicking her out of his home and she falsely accused him of rape. The man was elderly and had a broken back from where he was hit by a truck, so he could not physically rape anyone.

    Well the man ended up spending over a year in the Wicomico County detention center awaiting trial because he was too poor to post bail. They threw the case out as soon as it went to trial. In the mean time, he lost his home and his possessions and became homeless as a result of this. And she wasn't even charged with a false accusation!!!!!!

  33. 9:47 can you give the mans name there may be help for him.

  34. If the DNA shows it was lies yes they should serve a stiff sentence.

  35. 10:25 I don't remember the man's name, but he lived outside of Mardela. It was around September of 2011. I thought it was a real injustice that he had to spend all that time in the county jail for a crime he could not have committed and then ended up losing everything as a result of this!!!

  36. If the woman thought she would go to jail she would have never told the truth.

  37. absolutely, anyone who files a false report should be charged. it should be a given. wasting time , manpower, resources and not to mention ruining someone's life should be punishable by law

  38. when you fill out the affidavit form and sign it before a commissioner, you swear it is truthful under the penalty of perjury if it is not and it states right on it that you can go to jail for it, but it is hardly ever enforced for some unknown reason that we all really know is due to not wanting to punish a potentially raoed victim for coming forward. There's definitely double standards here especially if she has kids.

  39. I would suggest that he sue her.
    He can claim all of her EBT money for the rest of her miserable life.

  40. this is where I like muslin laws. an eye for an eye.

  41. Yes, and when the guy gets out and he kills her for ruining his life, he gets a free pass like the SU girls.

  42. Yes, equal rights.

  43. Yes, she should go to jail. Women are the reason that so many men are incarcerated today. Women are believed, no matter what. Men are considered guilty, even if proven innocent. Women must be held accountable and receive consequences for their behavior. By the way, I am a woman who is tired of seeing men being treated as inferior to women. Gender equality means that people are equally valuable, not that one gender is superior to the other. Let's teach our young men and women that they have equal rights and equal responsibilities.


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