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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Protesters Repeatedly Interrupt Donald Trump Rally in New Mexico Albuquerque


  1. And only one arrest? These protesters have gotten out of hand. Any candidate has the right to speak and those wanting to here him to listen. The interrupters should be removed and if they violate any law, they should be arrested. They are only adding fuel to the fire, as many more are supporting Trump after these disruptions.

  2. 7:31 - they have the right to peaceful protest - when it is not peaceful - if it infringes on the rights of others, then they have crossed the line...

  3. Send these punk milinialls to fight Syria.

  4. what's that saying, some will fight to the death to remain slaves

  5. They are protesting Trump because they know that he will not give them all of the freebies that they are currently given.

  6. Checking in with Politenessman now...He says a steel hanky is in order1


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