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Sunday, May 08, 2016

PRESS RELEASE: Fatal Pedestrian Collision Overnight in Ocean City

OCEAN CITY, MD – (May 3, 2016): The Maryland State Police Crash Team is investigating a pedestrian collision that occurred overnight on May 3, 2016, at approximately 1:11 a.m. at the intersection of 94th Street and Coastal Highway. The pedestrian was struck by a marked Ocean City Police patrol vehicle driven by an on-duty, five-year veteran officer.

The pedestrian, a 67-year-old male of Kutztown, PA, was crossing Coastal Highway from east to west in the north crosswalk against the pedestrian signal when he was struck. The officer was traveling southbound on Coastal Highway on routine patrol at the time of the incident. The victim was transported by Ocean City EMS to Atlantic General Hospital where he was pronounced deceased.

The Ocean City Police Department expresses its most sincere condolences to the family and friends of the victim after this tragic occurrence.


  1. Did anyone hear that an OC cop ran into the back of a stopped school bus on Route 50 a few weeks ago? Luckily there were no serious injuries but the police vehicle appeared to be totalled.

    Was the incident hushed up or just purposely ignored by the media?

    1. It was front page news in Ocean City Today. No cover up.

  2. I have no respect for the ocpd. They perform illegal and unconstitutional searches of people and cars all of the time. They keep busy busting senior week kids and people leaving Seacrets. Oh yeah they also hand out citations for talking on the phone while driving. Pathetic.

  3. Nothing but lies 12:51. Perhaps you are one who was pulled over after leaving Seacrets and because you were drunk, your car was towed and impounded. Once that happens your car is "inventoried" so people like you can't say you had property stolen while you were being detained. That is not only legal, but necessary. And yeah...texting while driving is against the law, so of course you are going to get cited for that.

  4. Was someone on his cell phone at the time?

  5. Who says the pedestrian was going AGAINST the signal? I wonder if this accident was thoroughly investigated? I'm sure there's cameras somewhere close by.

  6. I support 12:51 completely.

  7. 12:51 is correct but forgot to mention that the OCPD frequently brings K-9s to the Seacrets parking lot on a regular basis and then waits to bust people for drugs leaving the club. For those who dont know k-9s falsely alert to the presence of drugs at least 70% of the time.

    Worked and lived in OCMD for over a decade. Most of the seasonal cops are fresh out of the academy and extremely unprepared to deal with the unruly tourists.

    During my tenure in OCMD I have had numerous complaints from clients about the police and how they were searched without probable cause. A friend of mine had his vehicle searched on the grounds that he had 'a masking agent' present in his vehicle. It was a tree air freshener hanging from his rear view.

    It seems as though OCPD is good at targeting easy cases like drug offenders, but lacking at solving cases that require actual police work such as theft and b & e.

  8. 1:04 you are the one who is incorrect. I live and have raised a family in west Ocean City for more than 20 years. I have never even had a speeding ticket nor do I go to Seacrets. I stand by what I said. 2:01 is correct also. OCPD just deals with the easy revenue generating cases.

  9. I have not read MD Law about against the pedestrian signal or not but you have to stop for any pedestrian walking in a marked crosswalk by MD law.

    1. Yes but when it's a cop that kills you it is never their fault. I watched a cop going 80+ with no flashers, at night, in a 45mph zone slam into a guy who was trying to make a U-turn. If it was you or I the speed would be faulted in the accident, but because it was a cop U-turner got failure to yeild and DUI.

  10. I'm not to sure that the "crosswalks" we're properly installed as of yesterday..
    They are still in the process of having them installed due to the paving efforts.
    There is a good chance there is not a crosswalk technicaly there..

  11. 2:30 not quite------- MD law states at crosswalks and intersections without signals, a driver of a vehicle must stop when

    the pedestrian is on the half of the roadway on which the vehicle is traveling.
    the pedestrian is approaching within one lane of the half of the roadway on which the vehicle is traveling.

    At signals drivers turning left or right must yield the right of way to pedestrians lawfully within the crosswalk.

    The officer is not at fault. The rain may have contributed. Poor visibility and the pedestrian may have had a hood that obstructed his view.

  12. 12:51 is obviously a clueless moron.

  13. To the Ocean City resident commenting here, just wondering, after all these years, how many pedestrians have you hit and killed at the wee hours? Oh, NONE? The story here makes it sound like a pretty easy thing to do!.

    Cellphone call, laptop viewing while being "specially trained" to do so is probably the fault here. But the dead guy and the rest of us will never know, will we?

  14. You can't tell me there isn't a double standard when there are police involved accidents. How come the policeman wasn't identified? Come on 12:17 you can't tell me that isn't a coverup!!! The media made a big deal when the former OC city manager hit a sign and slightly damaged a city own vehicle but a cop destroys a vehicle and his/her name isn't even mentioned. Come on now! I'm a huge supporter of the police but we all should be held to the same standard "what's good for the goose is good for the gander." Once again the media is selective in reporting it!!


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