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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

PEPCO's Latest Electric Rate Increase Filing Request to PSC - Case No. 9418 - Filed April 19, 2016

PEPCO proposes what amounts to a 9% increase in electricity rates whereby the average bill will increase $15.80/month per 1000 kWH.

Click onto the very first link (see link below) - and scroll down to page 4 in the pdf document.



  1. This is what is wrong with the world and making it so now this is one of the reasons why that people can not afford to live. They need to start regulating these utility companies again instead of the government lining their pockets making them rich. Just like Obamacare which has turned out to be one of the biggest rip offs of all time.

  2. 1:17-YOU can't afford to live.

  3. It's only going to get worse. We have lost so many of our cheapest to run coal power plants. If you can afford it and have the right roofline or sufficient land, BUY your own solar panels. That will minimize future price hikes. And with tax credits, your pay back is ~5 years. You can't get that kind of guaranteed return on your money anywhere.

  4. Just wait until full implementation of the Community Solar act. When the program is expanded out in macro scale - the rate payers are going to be assessed to pay for the excess electricity generated from the subscriptions.

    And guess who are the chief beneficiaries - the electric utilities.

  5. Just when I thought I might be able to get ahead - and now another rate increase. I swear - I can't win for losing. Remember just a few years ago when our residential electric rates were just a tad less than 8 cents per kilowatt hour.

    I just computed last months - and it was .14/ per kilowatt hour. Almost doubled.

  6. Well that small "refund" didn't last long

  7. The government will only let you get by but not get ahead.

  8. They always get what they ask for with no consideration for the public. They never lose money. Politians never tell them "NO".

  9. So much for the 50 dollar credit. How many months will it take to use that up @ 15 + a month in increases. Why did they bother?


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