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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Pennsylvania girl thrown out of prom for wearing a suit

HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) – A Midstate high school student had the experience of a lifetime at her prom Friday night, but not in the way her family expected.

Aniya Wolf was thrown out of Bishop McDevitt’s prom.

Ever since Aniya Wolf was a little girl, she dressed like a boy.

“I’ve just always been like this, ever since I was little”, explained Aniya Wolf, “I was always more masculine. You wouldn’t catch me playing with any Barbie dolls I’ll tell you that right now.”

Aniya Wolf is not transgender, she was born a girl and feels like a girl. She is a lesbian, who does not want to wear girly clothes.

Throughout her three years at Bishop McDevitt, her school uniform was strictly a shirt and pants.



  1. So what she wanted to wear a tux. I bet she would've been the most covered girl there.

  2. So its ok for students that bully others and beat up others and stay in school, but they can kick out a student from the prom for dressing like a man. What is wrong with the system????

  3. I feel so sorry for these people of difference.


  4. Ellen is okay dressed like that and she be on the tube

  5. Read the entire story instead of five lines.

  6. I thought that was a guy until I heard her speak

  7. This is a PRIVATE school with a strict UNIFORM policy. She was in violation of the policy and was asked to leave. Her parents pay a lot of money and agree to terms of the contract with the PRIVATE. school.

  8. first off, bishop mcdevitt is a catholic school so she knew what the punishment was going into this. the public schools would be more appreciative of her lifestyle choice! damn this country's going to hell under obummer!
    Vote Donald!

  9. Ain't she sweet !


  10. People please....these students (youths) are doing things on purpose to get attention!!!!!!!!

    This one is no different. Send her to mental ward!


  11. How are you more masculine if you have vagina??? These kids are being confused by liberals!!!!!!!

  12. She needs mental help.

  13. Rules are made NOT to be broken...or moan/whine about on TV/newspapers to get your way.

    Can't wait until November 2016

  14. She can wear whatever the heck she wants.

  15. This is why proms need to be held off school property, and at private venues. Then dress code is up to the private venue, and not prudish teachers!

  16. The name sounds like a Catholic school. The Bible says men should dress like men and women should dress like women. So if you don't like it go to a public school.

  17. Strange how few people of difference there are in countries that execute them.

  18. 247 or just go to public school.


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