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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Parkside High School Now Protected By Multiple Sheriff's Deputies

A parent just dropped their kids off at Parkside HS and said there were at least 3 Deputies in the school yesterday. Only one is assigned to the high school. They also said the teachers were in the hallways. I thought that was the standard, having teachers monitor the halls. 

Do you think Dr. Freddy spent his weekend monitoring the Blog?


  1. princess Anne commissioner arrested for extortion ,bribery lol thugs voting for thugs.

  2. The girl who was beaten by black thugs should still sue PHS and WCBOE regardless. Their top priority besides educating should be student safety while in their care. It's that simple. So which lawyer in town has the balls to take this case on and see that girl is made whole? No doubt this incident will scare her the rest of her life. Probably turned her into a racist as anyone who endures that kind of attack will look at blacks very differently for the rest of her life. Furthermore, what is the school doing about the kids who perpetrated the crime against her? Where is the State Attorney's office on this matter? Is there an investigation? The three girls in Delaware were charged yesterday. Unfortunately in this area, the news media is about as useless as they come at relaying information so we don't know what if anything is occurring to bring these thugs to justice.

  3. What say thee PT Sheriff Lewis ?

  4. sue everyone, the school the staff the parents the police everyone! including freddy personally! dont bother with any of the attorneys around here. Get a top one out of baltimore!

  5. Does Parkside not have video surveillance in its hallways? If it does, and it's only being casually monitored, there's software that can trigger an alarm when there's unusual physical activity being witnessed by the camera. They should look into it.

    1. It does, but as with all fights, the kids circle the fight and block the camera view.

  6. People are always saying that this culture is sue crazy. Well all I can say is that if our governments local, state and federal keep insisting that they have more control then they will bear the brunt of all legal actions. The government is saying that they now have control of said situations. That means they also take on all of the risk associated with any, ANY problems that arise. Sue if you want. Its a shame that the tax payers are going to be the ones paying.

    We must take back control of our communities from Federal over reach. Get these thugs out of our schools. They are not there to learn and they will be on the government dole soon enough. REMOVE THEM NOW!!

  7. Parkside PTA tonight at 4:30pm. Please be there to share your concerns.

    1. Been there done that. You are wasting your time. PHS administration are part of the problem. You will get nothing from them. BOE meeting tonight. Open session at 7 pm that is where you need 2 go.

  8. There better be some PISSED OFF PARENTS there tonight.

  9. "Do you think Dr. Freddy spent his weekend monitoring the Blog?"

    I don't know. But I think he likely knows more about this than any of us and is more concerned about it than any of us.

    1. Highly doubtful. He is more concerned with getting out of the hellhole he's created.

  10. My daughter confirms that "teachers are everywhere" at PHS. Hasn't seen any officers, so they may have been there this morning regarding legalities from Friday.

    My issue is this: these teachers are being put in a very dangerous position. They DO NOT have the backing of the BOE to subdue a student in a dangerous situation. Unless they took training on their own dime/time, these teachers are NOT trained in ways to safely take down a violent student. (In today's world, it SHOULD be a part of every teacher's graduating requirements but it isn't!) Based on recent precedent, the offenders are not given stiff enough penalties from the BOE or LE to deter the behavior. They essentially get a badge of honor among like-minded peeps and a license to do it again. Is it any wonder that teachers are scarce in hallways or throughout the school? Would you want to be put in that position? Better to not see anything and not be in the position of having to choose between risking your health and your job vs. breaking up a fight. (Have you seen the size of these kids?) They are trained to teach...not be a private security force.

    Put yourself in their shoes before you go all macho with your replies. They have NO support for doing the right thing...not from parents, the community, the BOE, or law enforcement.

    This is a public school. I feel that any offense that would warrant legal charges on the street should result in legal charges in the school. And this business of suspending a student who fights back to protect themselves HAS TO STOP!

  11. 12:45 - If he was more concerned this would not be happening at the rate we are hearing about these incidents in our schools. And you realize, we are not hearing about them all. Every single time I have a chance to talk to someone at the board level and bring up discipline and violence I hear, "we do not have a discipline or violence problem." SO - NO!!! I do not think he is as concerned as the parents are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  13. Protected by sheriff's deputies?

    Do you mean Wicomico County deputies?


    by Deputies?

  14. I have to say our school officers are damn good at what they do but they do not have support from Juvinile justice. When our deputies write reports and charge students who are involved in criminal behavior it's all for nothing most times because of Juvinile justice here in wicomico county. I know first hand. Our states attorney is also trying to do us all justice but it needs to start at home with the parents and guardians. I know at my school is is standard teachers and admin are everywhere but some just don't care. Instead of posting stuff anonymously all the time don't be afraid own it because most of the posts are important and it's great people are speaking out. I think if parents start suffering consequences from the actions of their children something might start to change. We need to start somewhere because kids just really don't care if the get suspended or have in school detention. Maybe if students and parents are made accountable for their actions you might have a better chance at changing behavior. We need to stop making everything a race issue, if it is it is and should be charged as such, but not all cases are. Our admin also does a damn good job dealing with students with what they are allowed to do, which is not much they can do. So if more harsh sanctioned bs need to be put on the ones that are involved in criminal behavior, then that is what should happen. ACCOUNTABILITY MUST BE MADE FOR STUDENTS AND/OR PARENTS


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