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Saturday, May 07, 2016

Parents sue feds for forcing school to let transgenders in girls locker room

Do the rights of boys who identify as girls trump the rights of girls who are born girls?

That question is at the heart of a lawsuit filed by dozens of Illinois parents after the Obama administration’s Department of Education strong-armed their school district into allowing a transgender student the right to use all girls’ locker rooms.

“The girls are mortified,” said Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Jeremy Tedesco, a religious liberty law firm representing some 50 families. “They are in a constant state of fear that their bodies are going to be exposed to a male in these settings. It’s a constant state of stress and anxiety for them.”



  1. Course it is wrong..the Twisted logic of the left libtards have no conception of morality they are Twisted evil people who are hell-bent on taking us all the hell with them

  2. They need to tell this boy to quit being such a little weenie!


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