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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Officer Cleared In Freddie Gray’s Death, Prosecutor Criticized

BALTIMORE (AP) — After two trials and no convictions, Baltimore’s top prosecutor faces criticism that she moved too quickly to file charges against six officers in the case involving a 25-year-old black man who died a week after he was critically injured in police custody, triggering protests and riots a year ago.

Even the judge overseeing the cases — in his verdict Monday acquitting the latest officer to stand trial in the death of Freddie Gray — said the state failed to prove its case on any of the charges.

Baltimore Circuit Judge Barry Williams acquitted Officer Edward Nero of the assault, misconduct in office and reckless endangerment charges in connection with Gray’s arrest outside a West Baltimore housing complex.



  1. NO, it is that no cop will get locked up for abusing people, plain and simple... You can claim anything you want, like she moved to fast when pressing charges, or it is just for show or the lack of evidence, or you can even claim that justice prevailed from the corrupt justice system in regards to the jury...

    No cop will ever get convicted for abusing his power so, why do we even waste the money to go thought these fake trials anyway???

    I mean a cop can be off duty even though they are supposedly always on duty, and can be drinking and driving, run someone over back up and run over the person and do it again and again 5 times and then get out and beat the guy with a bat, and then shoot him and still nothing will happen to the cop... Then you will have the ass cheek sucking cop lovers who will chant he got what he deserved, one less thug or some bs like that because no life matters to them until this happens to them personally then they seem to care...

    1. Awwwwwww poor little thug liberal.

    2. Hahaha! !! Poor little thug lover didn't win. 0 FOR 2 SOON TO BE 0 for 6!!! You can fix the face you can fix the butt. YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!!!!

  2. 416, go to sleep... or go to Hollywood and take up your acting career

  3. or get into politics as a democrat candidate 4:57 since lying comes so easily to 4:16.

  4. 4:16 it is clearly obvious that you have never read any of the evidence and only get your information from either soundbites or a headline from the newspaper that will fit into your agenda, whatever that might be. Now go protest and tear some things up I hear the mayor will give you a space to let your frustration out.

  5. Oh my goodness 4:16 PM, you have been watching way too much TV. You do like to rant though, yada yada yada, see me playing my violin while you rant?

  6. Haha Try NOT breaking the law you piece of crap.

  7. 416 is probably inmate with computer privileges.


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