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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Ocean City’s Tragic May Puts Renewed Focus On Safety Ahead Of Summer Season

OCEAN CITY — With two fatalities in the span of three days last week and three in the month of May, if ever the start of a season needed a mulligan, this appears to be it, but there is plenty of time for residents and visitors to take a pause, collect their breath and remember to practice the oft-echoed common sense approach to avoiding tragedy.

Memorial Day weekend has arrived, and despite the gray, cool, rainy weeks that preceded it, the early forecast is summer-like and more typical for the holiday weekend. The month of May has been far from typical thus far, however, with three tragedies including a fatal motorcycle collision with a vehicle last Thursday afternoon followed by a fatal fall from a hotel balcony on Saturday night.

On May 4, a pedestrian was struck and killed by a police vehicle while crossing Coastal Highway against a pedestrian signal at 94th Street. Back on March 14, a worker fell to his death from the fourth floor of a building under construction at 25th Street, the first of four reported fatalities in the resort this spring. However, there is no connection between the rash of fatalities, other than the unfortunate truth that each was preventable, and Ocean City is not suddenly a more dangerous place.

There have been rashes of serious and fatal incidents in the past and there is often no rhyme or reason for a pattern. In some cases, a run of serious and tragic incidents has precipitated a call to action, such as a spate of fatal pedestrian collisions along Coastal Highway that caused the town and its partners to ramp up its safety campaign with improvements along the roadway including increased signage, more and better equipped crosswalks and an aggressive public service campaign.



  1. why aint these pt cops pulling reckless drivers over during the summer on the main rt ? my god where are these pt summer 30 cops bird watching on the beach ??

  2. Most of OC's tragic events have reasons. You don't have a crosswalk if there are no paintings on the road marking it as such so how can a pedestrian walk against a crosswalk signal? You don't have a pickup truck slamming into the rear of a school bus that stops as required for a railroad crossing if (police) drivers are paying attention. You don't have motorcyclists trying to escape and be killed in the process if visiting cops don't try to make OC their jurisdiction (when it is not). It's called "standing down" and letting the local authorities handle things.

    I have witnessed at some of the past Firemen's conventions in OC multiple outside law enforcement officers without jurisdiction trying to be noticed for their importance in society by pulling over motorists (without cause). These wanna b's need to be controlled.

  3. So far, 50% of deaths are caused by police.


    I'll be more careful tomorrow. It's obviously my fault.

  4. Bernie Sanders VoterMay 25, 2016 at 9:32 PM

    Just Ban The Beach!!!

  5. Following me too closeMay 25, 2016 at 9:34 PM

    I agree with 8:17pm.....I work in OC @ nights, and on the way home I am continually harassed by all cops in city, County and State!!!

  6. Worcester County Sheriff deputies must write 6 Tickets a night 8:17pm....

    Some deputies do not like it, others Love the Control they have!

  7. it"s all about the revenue!

  8. Okay, so you are at a hot rod event on a crotch rocket and choose to do illegal wheelies recklessly on the main drag where there is a cop on EVERY corner. You are told to pull over and get your ticket, or at least a stern talking to.

    You are on an island. There are only 3 bridges off of it, and there are police at all 3.

    Here are your choices;

    1) Pull over and take your lumps, and drive your cycle tomorrow and on to get back home to a long happy life.

    2) Drive in escape mode 100 mph until the inevitable happens.

    Choose wisely. You have already made one bad decision.

  9. Fleeing from the law is hardly a reason to have a hysterical response. Maybe if the police could use the force necessary to stop people from fleeing, then they wouldn't have such a tragedy. The guy was on a suicide mission, everyone in OC should be counting their blessings that only he paid the price for his plan.

  10. With the current explosion of opiate abuse I'm sure they'll have plenty to do this summer


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