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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Obama’s Attorney General: ‘Gender Identity’ More Important Than Sexual Privacy, Opponents Are Like Racists

Attorney General Janet Lynch argued May 9 that any one person’s desire to choose a male or female “gender identity” is more important than Americans’ right to sexual privacy in shared public facilities, such as bathrooms and school locker rooms.

“This action is about a great deal more than just bathrooms,” Lynch declared Monday, without setting any definition or limits on her demand that people have a right to change their “gender identity.”

This is about the dignity and respect we accord our fellow citizens and the laws that we, as a people and as a country, have enacted to protect them – indeed, to protect all of us. And it’s about the founding ideals that have led this country – haltingly but inexorably – in the direction of fairness, inclusion and equality for all Americans.



  1. Yes its true, libarded progressive democrats are a very sick dangerous terminally contageous disease.

  2. Sorry this comparision will not sit well with the nation .these destructives forces in OBAMA ADMINISTRATION MUST BE STOPPED NOW CALL YOUR REPS NOW

  3. And just how do you spell IDIOT..........."Lynch".

  4. My 17 year old son wants to take a shower with the freshmen girls in their locker room, so I guess he can if he just says he is getting in touch with his effeminate side. He said he is really looking forward to September!

  5. 11:08 your son is going to be har, I mean going to have a hard time in girls gym.

  6. She is another follower of satan the devil , Obama.

  7. I plan to bring my husband in the ladies room with me to protect me from perverts! This whole thing is sick.

  8. This is the change Americans voted for!

  9. this current administration has to have some of the stupidest people in the world. And people wonder why the citizens of the US are angry.

  10. Me thinks Janet was James a few years ago.....

  11. I am so glad she'll be unemployed in a matter of months.

  12. 10:01
    Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside!! There will be a big party when they are all kicked OUT!


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