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Tuesday, May 03, 2016


On Thursday morning, sailors on board the USS Cole were lining up for an early lunch. Seventeen of them died as an Al Qaeda bomb on board a fishing boat tore through the hull outside the galley. The dead included 15 men and 2 women, one of whom had a young child. For three weeks the crew of the USS Cole struggled to keep their ship from sinking while working waist deep in water with bucket brigades, sleeping on the deck and living surrounded by the terrible aftermath of the terrorist attack.

The survivors, wounded and whole, received the words "Glory is the Reward of Valor" written on the bent steel removed from the site of the explosion that tore through their ship and their lives.

The President of the United States promised that justice would be done. “To those who attacked them we say: You will not find a safe harbor. We will find you and justice will prevail.”

Despite Clinton’s words, justice did not prevail.



  1. No words.
    Angry as hell.

  2. How many more acts of treason does Obama have to preform before he is arrested and shot.

  3. Obama you might have served your 8 years and will be comfortable for life but you are a disgrace to this country, and from now till November your going to do all the craziness you can drop on us.

  4. Obama is the biggest piece s__t we have ever had for a President. How can he do this to our country after it has cost lives of our military and to the people who were related to these soldiers, parents, wives, husbands and children. He is a disgrace to this country.

    1. Because he is a muslim and Muslim sympathizer.

  5. Through our elected leaders we wash the feet of those who kill us in the name of Allah, spiritually readying them for the next assault.

  6. I suppose that those sailors that were killed have come back from the dead now so it's OK to let the "practitioner of the religion of peace" out? I only wish that when this guy was let go it was out of the front door and down a sidewalk lined up with the families of his victims.

  7. Yes, wasn't that big of a hole.

  8. This guy is a muslim.

    I'm willing to bet that the families are now a bloc vote for Trump.
    obama doesn't even care what we think.

    People kill us and he sets them free or sends them to place that set them free.
    And then we find them again, making bombs or fighting on the battlefield.
    That's obama's legacy --- making America safe and secure.
    Ok. I made that up.
    Keep cheering this bozo pretender of an American President.


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