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Monday, May 23, 2016

Notice is Hereby Given

The Wicomico County Council, on May 25, 2016, will depart by bus from the Government Office Building on or about 12 noon to tour various parts of the County to observe and gather information on the condition of County roads. Any discussions or deliberations regarding such observations will occur in a future Council budget session, or Council meeting. Members of the public are invited to participate, however, bus seating will be limited.


  1. Need to tour by bus? What a waste of time. Nothing will be done to roads until Royal Farms builds stores on every corner.

  2. They need to tour Andrea Berstlers new children's petting zoo at the library!
    The roaches are paying admission to pet the mice and rats while the sordid types that are hanging out (living) there are trying to pet anything. People, don't take your children there, it's nasty. I pity the employees that have to tolerate the conditions as well as the lack of leadership.
    The council needs to hire someone that is COMPETENT to clean up and run the county library.
    But, that might involve them actually doing their job.

  3. any idea which roads will be traveled by the council?

  4. I'm guessing that there will be a tasty lunch associated with this trip.

  5. Seriously? If they all live in this county, they should already know what the road conditions are. I have seen dirt roads better than some of the paved roads around here. Everyday I drive to and from work I try and dodge the potholes. I don't understand why if we all pay taxes that include upkeep of the roads why the people in charge are allowing the roads to get in such disrepair. The only solution is stripping and paving the whole entire road because of all the patches they have placed on them.

  6. Paving roads isn't free. Lets not forget that the State of Maryland has put us in the position we are in 7 years ago when they stripped us of our highway money.


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