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Thursday, May 05, 2016

New federal rule would permit thousands of eagle deaths

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration is revising a federal rule that allows wind-energy companies to operate high-speed turbines for up to 30 years, even if means killing or injuring thousands of federally protected bald and golden eagles.

Under the plan announced Wednesday, wind companies and other power providers could kill or injure up to 4,200 bald eagles a year without penalty — nearly four times the current limit. Golden eagles could only be killed if companies take steps to minimize the losses, for instance, by retrofitting power poles to reduce the risk of electrocution.

Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe said the proposal will “provide a path forward” for maintaining eagle populations while also spurring development of a pollution-free energy source that’s intended to ease global warming, a cornerstone of President Barack Obama’s energy plan.

Ashe said the 162-page proposal would protect eagles and at the same time “help the country reduce its reliance on fossil fuels” such as coal and oil that contribute to global warming.



  1. Eagles are the national bird of the United States and Obama hates the US. Doesn't surprise me a bit!

  2. Cannot drill through a single polar bear, but killing up to 4200 eagles just peachy with Obama.

  3. Liberal freakin morons!

  4. Does anyone remember years ago when they basically closed down an entire town because of a fish? All those farmers lost just about everything because they couldn't get water anymore because of an endangered FISH! A fish matter but an eagle does not.

  5. One good thing out of their deaths is that the Native Americans will be able to make very beautiful headdresses out of the feathers.

  6. I have stopped at many of those windmills and neither one of them had any dead birds around them that were killed.

    This is just a liberal scare tactic from the Environmenturds just like the ones poisoning the minds of good people with the CAFO chicken houses.

  7. These windmills are proving to be NOT cost effective, and are in fact losing money and breaking down.

  8. 4:03 and 445 are correct. Not very cost-effective for big power, high to maintain and bird kills not as prevalent as advertised but...I wonder if individual house models could be better designed that may provide augmentation along with solar roof shingles and a little grid power. Basically it would wean us from the grid and Reduce our bills. However as always I'm sure big corporations such as power companies are fighting this. Concept makes sense but design needs tweeking.

  9. 5:53

    The only "tweek" that would make solar and wind practical would be to have congress repeal "the laws of physics".

    Solar and wind increase our bills and will make the electrical grid more vulnerable to failure. They have always been and will always bey crony capitalism. A few crooks get rich and leave everybody with the problems.

  10. I sure hope someone in the Trump camp is keeping track of this traitor's misdeeds. It's going to take his first six months just to undo the crap O is leaving him.

  11. If it worked and was cost effective, one could advertise it and sell it on the open market,

    unfortunately, it's a bust.

  12. Wind turbines destroy the local environment and only produce energy when the wind blows within a certain range. Just ask Warren Buffet who said, "the only reason to build them is to get the tax credits."
    Wind and solar renewable energy credits(RECs) are sold to polluters so that they can continue to pollute.

  13. Anonymous said...
    These windmills are proving to be NOT cost effective, and are in fact losing money and breaking down.

    May 5, 2016 at 4:45 PM

    Cite your sources please. I don't believe you!

  14. 12:54, I just went to the top of this page and typed in "Wind Turbine" in the search bar, and was rewarded with hours of reading material, including " Wind Turbine Troubles By Dr. Jimmy Tragle, Part V ". So, do your own research;m it's easy!


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