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Friday, May 27, 2016

MSNBC's Chuck Todd grills Hillary Clinton over brutal State Department report

MSNBC's Chuck Todd grilled Hillary Clinton over the scathing inspector general's report released on Wednesday that determined she "did not comply" with State Department rules in using a personal email address to conduct government business.

The report "seemed to contradict many of the things you've said about the emails," Todd said, before asking Clinton if she accepts everything the report said as fact.

Clinton argued that the report made clear that personal email use was allowed under State Department rules, though she acknowledged she realized people have "concerns." Indeed, the report acknowledges that Clinton did not do anything illegal, citing "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" related to communications that preceded Clinton's appointment as secretary of state.



  1. It's not that Bernie is so great. It's that people are realizing how bad Hillary is. She spent a lot of money and promised favors to insure that the delegates nominate her, not the voters.

  2. But early on Clinton said she knew the difference between classified info and non-classified, but now she says none were "marked" classified. This is excuse to get out of another crime.

  3. So, as Secretary of State, Hillary capitalized on those weaknesses rather than fix them.

    That's about par for her course in all things that she's done while in official capacities, as a junior prosecuting lawyer in Watergate (fired in disgrace), to First Lady of Arkansas (drug running deals and favoritism in state dealings), First Lady of the United States (using the IRS and FBI to torment Bill's sex crime victims), U.S. Senator from New York and Secretary of State for the United States.
    Gee, what's not to like about Hillary?

  4. A twelve-year-old kid would have more sense than she seems to have about what's right and what's not.

  5. They weren't marked classified because she relied upon only herself to make that determination, in direct violation of standard accepted practices.

  6. When she does it, it's called "breaking some of the rules".

    When anyone else does it, it's called "Breaking Federal Law, Treason, felony", and similar things.

  7. Hillary For Prison In 2016!


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